









Some of you may have noticed that my last name is Nutt.And if you did,you are forgiven for wondering how a Nutt managed to end up in a war zone.I actually was offerd,right out of medical school,and accepted a volunteer contract to work with UNICEF in war-torn Somalia,that was worth one dollar.And,you see,I had to be paid this dollar in the event that the UN to issue an evacuation order,so that I would be covered.I was,after all,heading into one of the world's most dangerous places.And by now,some of you may be asking yourselves,and Ijust want to reassure you,that I did get half the money up front.
But you see,yhis is how,with 50 cents in my pocket,I ended up in Baidoa,Somalia.


Jornalists called it the "city of death."
And they called it the city of death because 300,000 people had lost their lives there,300,000 people,mostly as a result of war-related famine and disease.
I was part of a team that was tasked with trying to figure out how best to respond to this humanitarian catastrophe.And it was right on the heels of the Rwandan genocide,and aid money to the region was drying up.
And many aid orgenizations,unfortunately,had been forced to close their doors.And so the question that I was asked to specially help answer,which is one that aid workers ask themselves in war zones the world over,is: What the hell do we do now ?You konw the security envionment in Somalia at that moment in time and nothing has really changed too much.It can best be described as"Mad Max"by way of "A Clock Orange."And I remember very distintly a couple of days after my arrival,I went up to a feeding clinic.


And there were dozens of women who were standing in line,and they were clutching their infrants very close.And about 20 minutes into this conversation I was having with this one young woman,I learned forward and I tried to put py finger in the palm of her baby's hand.And when I did this,I discovered that her baby was already in rigor.She was stiff, and her little,lifeless hand was curled into itself.And she had died hours before of malnutrition.I later learned that as her baby was dying,this young woman had been held for tow days by some teenager boys who were armed with Kalashikov rifles,and they were trying to shake her down for more money,money she very clearly did not have.And this is a scene that I have confronted in war zones the world over;places where kids,some as young as eight,they are this big and those kids,they have never been to school.But they have fought and they have killed with automatic rifles.Is this just the way the world is?Some will tell you that war is unavoidably human.After all,it is as old as existence itself.A nd we say never again,and yet it happens again and again and again.


But I will tell you that Ihave seen the absolute worst of what we as human beings are capable of doing to one another,and yet I still believe a different outcome is possible.Do you want to know why?Because voer 20 years of doing this work,going in and out of war zones around the world,I have come to understand that there are aspects of this problem that we,all of us,as people occupying this shared space,that we can change,not through force or coercion or invasion,but by simply looking at all of the options available to us and choosing the ones that favir peace at the expense of war,instead of war at the expense of peace.



Be right out of medical school医学院毕业



Evacuation order疏散令


Somalia 索马里

War-related famine and disease战阵引发的饥荒与疾病

Humanitarian catastrophe人道主义灾难

Rwandan genocide卢旺达大屠杀

Aid money to the region was drying up地区的救助资金已经捉襟见肘


A feeding clinic喂养诊疗所

Stand in line 排队

Stiff 呆板的,僵硬的,彻底地


Kalashnikov rifles卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪

Automotic rifles自动步枪

Unavoidably 不可避免地




At the expense of 以某某为代价

