



  • 生存環境挑戰
  • 生產效率挑戰
  • 管理挑戰





No.1 重心轉移


No.2 機遇與挑戰並存




No.3 防禦態勢


No.4 反對立場





中國等發展中國家的乳製品消費基數較低,因此中國的乳製品銷售已轉向這些國家。然而,奶農們萬不可將對外溝通機制部分分包出去 ,只有將命運掌握在自己手中,成功才會勝券在握,否則不久之後全球乳品消費量將大幅下降。




  1. 把溝通機制升級為事項最優級:農場對外溝通機制的建立,應從農場營運之初就著手進行,並明確其責任歸屬。農場中必須安排專人負責溝通宣傳工作。發展社交媒體展示農場形象。
  2. 多渠道對外宣傳農場趣聞: 農場文化遺產、即使是農場裡看似平凡的工作(如擠奶、餵食等常規事項)也可以進行記錄,向消費者展示農場那些如何真實的運作的時刻和使用視覺和數據輔助工具(如攝像機,農場數據的透明公開應該是對外宣傳農場一部分)。
  3. 聯絡世界各地誌同道合的奶農,並制定社交媒體策略來講述農場故事。
  4. 與動物保護積極分子接觸,通過對話和教育改變其觀念。
  5. 消除農場防禦性,接受並理解外界任何批評或誤導性評論。這些舉措均是消除緊張敵對狀態的機會。
  6. 帶領社區人士到你的農場實地參觀考察。


Consumers and Dairy Farmers: A relationship that will define our industry’s future success

A popular topic in the dairy industry is to talk about the top challenges facing dairy farmers. Dairy farmers are a group of some 240 Million people globally, with huge differences in farm sizes, farming methods, circumstances and situations. Yes, these dairy farmers are all facing similar challenges. Many experts make a great living by talking about these challenges, whether it is the environmental challenges, efficiency challenges or management challenges. Indeed, most discussions about the future of dairy farming focus on these points. Within this context, the most significant and important challenge that dairy farmers face is often over-looked. That challenge is a communication challenge, specifically, the communication and the relationship between dairy farmers and consumers.

Normally, when this topic is raised, the most obvious point that is raised is that dairy farmers are represented by others in communicating the benefits of the products that they create are well-understood by consumers. Indeed, dairy processors are the primary conduit to communicate with consumers. Dairy processors are highly sophisticated and run targeted and focused campaigns to promote dairy amongst consumers. In some countries, such as the US, there are government agencies that promote the general benefits of milk to consumers. These traditional methods may have been effective tools in the 20th century, but this will not be effective for the coming decades. Supply chains are changing; communication chains need to change too. Here are the four reasons, why dairy farmers need to put a communication strategy on their agenda:

Firstly, dairy farmers would do well to note that most of the major dairy processing companies are taking some sort of positions in non-dairy products and indeed as the landscape for dairy changes, these companies will become more focused on generating profit over the well-being and profitability of dairy farming.

Secondly, global urbanization is fundamentally changing how the world thinks about food. In the 19th century, societies in the Western world went through the industrial revolution, which meant that societies went from being agricultural in nature, to industrial. This mean that agricultural produce became an industry and people in cities relied on supply chains to receive their food and nutrition. With this fundamentally altered relationship with food, consumers emerged. As the time and distance between where food is produced and consumed is widened, the gaps in understanding are also widening. Indeed, while there are many great efforts to open farming to consumers, there is still a large gap in understanding. According to a Neilsen Global Health and Wellness Survey there is an increasing desire for consumers to understand more about their food and a willingness to pay more for healthier food. This is a crucial second dimension to the communication challenge facing dairy farmers, both a challenge and indeed an opportunity.

Thirdly, dairy farming as an industry often comes across as being defensive. There is a frustration in the dairy farming industry that while constant improvement is being achieved, there seems to be little recognition of these achievements in the general media, and dairy farmers are under siege, with lots of arm-chair critics. This creates a defensive posture and this defensive posture is the third element of the communication challenge.

Finally, there is a new activist movement globally, the vegans, the animal welfare activists, whose hostile positions are incredibly problematic for dairy farmers. While these people only represent a small fraction of consumers, their events gain lots of publicity and some of their farm-gate protests have been outright dangerous. The net effect however has created more traction for vegetarianism or being flexitarian, which means that people are simply making life choices based on the information at hand- another element to the communication challenge.

These communication challenges should not be underestimated. Farmers cannot shy away from these challenges. There is a drop-off in dairy consumption affecting many of the most developed markets, where both dairy alternatives, or choosing to consume less animal protein are being seen as good life choices.

There has been a pivot towards selling dairy into developing markets, such as China, where consumption is coming from a low base. However, dairy farmers must not sub-contract out the communication part of their business and take their fate and success into their own hands, or else there could be before too long, a decline in global consumption.

As part of that, dairy farmers need to make a mental shift from believing that their jobs are to produce as a good a quality milk as possible and sell it at as good a price as possible to a dairy company. This is the first part, at the same time, the farms must meet social responsibilities and have a plan as to how to communicate with their community and consumers.

While each farm is unique, each farm will need to develop its own communication strategy, and I offer the following advice and guidelines:

1)Make communication a priority: Identify that the responsibility for communicating the benefits of your dairy farm start from the farm. Put someone in charge of communication. Develop a social media presence.

2)Find multiple ways to communicate the story of your farm.

- Farm heritage

- Even tasks that seem mundane on a farm (milking, feeding) can be moments to show consumers how farming really works

- Use visual and data aids (camera, farm data and transparency should be part of telling the story).

3)Find like-minded farmers around the world and develop social media strategies to tell the story.

4)Engage with the animal welfare activists, through conversation and education perceptions can change.

5)Don’t be defensive, take and understand any criticism or misguided comments. These are an opportunities to engage.

6)Bring the community into your farm.

Dairy farms have nothing to hide, but hiding behind others who are in charge of communicating the message of milk create the room for criticism and misunderstanding. While a communication strategy may seem like extra expense and extra burden, if more consumers understand your business and your farm, then it will help to secure the future of our whole industry.

