
1,I highly recommend it.(我極力推薦。)

2,It’s an open menu, but I do recommend the chicken.(菜單內容豐富,但我強烈推薦雞肉。)

3,I strongly recommend that you get professional advice.(我強烈建議你去諮詢專業人士的意見。)

4,I highly doubt that.(我難以置信。)

5,Stop raving about her .(別吹捧她了。)

6,Julie is really talking this movie up.(Julie一直強烈推薦這部電影。)

7,You should suggest something like these to Julie.(你應該向Julie多推薦這類的東西。)

8,I say we make it the burger of the day.(我看就把它作為今天的推薦漢堡吧!)

9,Let’s try dish of the day.(我們嚐嚐今天的特色菜吧。)

dish/soup of the day 推薦菜/湯

10,today’s special(特色菜)

