每天學英語D53, 看「絕望的主婦」學英語S02E10

絕望主婦 Desperate Housewives S2E10

每天學英語D53, 看「絕望的主婦」學英語S02E10

It's a story as old as time itself — the return of the prodigal son. And no matter how many times it's repeated or how the details might vary or how the names might change, the story always ends the same way…in the tender embrass of a loving father.


The stories are as old as time itself… the prodigal son who returns home to the father who forgives him. The jealous wife who tricks the husband who trusts her. The desperate mother who risks everything for the child who needs her, and the faithless husband who hurts the wife who loves him so deeply. Why do we listen again and again? Because these are the stories of family, and once we look past the fighting, pain and the resentment, we occasionally like to remind ourselves, there is absolutely nothing more important.


  • prodigal

adj. 揮霍的;十分慷慨的

n. 浪子;揮霍者

[網絡] 敗家子;浪費的;揮霍

The prodigal had returned.浪子已經回頭了。

Prodigal habits are hard to change. 大手大腳的習慣很難改變。

  • resentment

n. 憤恨,怨恨

The best way to clear resentment from your mind is to be grateful for where you are right now. 從腦中消除怨恨的最好方法就是對現在的處境心存感激。

