
* 本系列是“2+1”三语学编程系列,三语是英文、中文加计算机语言;即用英语来学习编程语言,并以中文为辅助;

* 用英语来理解和学习计算机语言是最好的方式,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在计算机语言上和英语阅读能力上都有所提升;

* 推荐的阅读的方法是:先原文,适当看解析阅读,实在不行再看双语对照。

* 解析中英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary.com所用的音标体系》一文。





Installing Red locally

Here is a step by step guide of how to install Red locally:

  1. Download the correct Red binary version for your computer from here (takes only a few seconds, it's less than 1MB). Save into a suitable folder.
  2. For Windows users, run it by double-clicking on the Red binary file. It will then automatically build the Red GUI-console. Next time you double-click on the file, the GUI-console will automatically open.
  3. For Linux/OSX users, you need to open a terminal app to be able to run Red. Once you have opened the terminal app, change to the directory in which you saved Red. Now do a: chmod u+x <red-binary> which will make sure that Red can be run on your computer. After that simply run Red using ./<red-binary>. This will build the Red console. Next time you run Red, the console will automatically open./<red-binary>/<red-binary>

Done! No installer, no setup, no dependencies(*)! What, that's all? Yes, there was a time when software used to be done right, that's what we aim at bringing back. ;-)


Installing Red locally
—— Installing 原型:install 动词现在进行式或动名词 [ in-'stawl ][ɪn'stɔːl] vt. 安装
—— locally 副词 [ 'loh-kuh-lee ]['ləʊkəli] adv. 在本地;地方性地;局部地
—— Red [ red ][red] adj. 红色的 n. 红色。这里指Red语言。

Here is a step by step guide of how to install Red locally:

—— step 名词 [ step ][step] n. 步骤;台阶;舞步;步伐 v. 踏;以步测量
—— guide 名词 [ gahyd ][ɡaɪd] n. 向导;导游;指南;指导者 vt. 指导;引导;为 ... 领路 vi. 作导游
—— install 动词原形 [ in-'stawl ][ɪn'stɔːl] vt. 安装;安置;使 ... 就职

Download the correct Red binary version for your computer from here (takes only a few seconds, it's less than 1MB).
—— less than 小于;少于;不到;例句:Seven is two less than nine. 9比7少2。
—— correct 形容词 [ kuh-'rekt ][kə'rekt] adj. 正确的;得体的 v. 改正;纠正
—— binary 形容词 [ 'bahy-nuh-ree, -ner-ee ]['baɪnəri] adj. 二进位的;二元的 n. 二进制;二元
—— version 名词 [ 'vur-zhuhn, -shuhn ]['vɜːʃn] n. 版本;说法;译本;形式
—— computer 名词 [ kuh m-'pyoo-ter ][kəm'pjuːtə(r)] n. 电脑;计算机
—— 1MB 是指1M字节大小,1M是1024个,在表示硬盘等存储容量是,也可能指1000个;B是byte的简写,即字节,一个字节表示了8个二进制位的数字

Save into a suitable folder.
—— Save 原型:save 动词原形 [ seyv ][seɪv] v. 救;节省;保存
—— suitable 形容词 [ 'soo-tuh-buhl ]['suːtəbl] adj. 适宜的;合适的
—— folder 名词 [ 'fohl-der ]['fəʊldə] n. 文件夹;折叠者;折叠式印刷品

For Windows users, run it by double-clicking on the Red binary file.
—— users 原型:user 名词复数形式 [ 'yoo-zer ]['juːzə] n. 用户;使用者
—— file 名词 [ fahyl ][faɪl] n. 档案;卷宗;文件
—— Windows n. 微软公司生产的“视窗”操作系统

It will then automatically build the Red GUI-console.
—— automatically 副词 [ aw-tuh-'mat-ik-lee ][ˌɔːtə'mætɪkli] adv. 自动地;机械地
—— build 动词原形 [ bild ][bɪld] v. 建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强 n. 体格;身材
—— GUI-console GUI是Graphical User Interface的简写,即图形用户界面,console是控制台的意思,GUI-console即图形控制台界面

Next time you double-click on the file, the GUI-console will automatically open.
—— double-click 名词 double-click [ 'duhb-uh l-'klik ]['dʌbl klɪk] 双击,即用鼠标双击

For Linux/OSX users, you need to open a terminal app to be able to run Red.

—— Linux 诞生于1991 年10 月5 日,是一套免费使用和自由传播的计算机操作系统,是一个从UNIX发展而来,基于多用户、多任务、支持多线程和多CPU的操作系统。Linux继承了Unix以网络为核心的设计思想,是一个性能稳定的多用户网络操作系统。Linux的核心思想之一是:一切都是文件。例句:Check your Linux system for the required space. 检查您的Linux系统中需要的磁盘空间。
—— OSX 是指苹果公司的Mac OSX操作系统

—— terminal 形容词 [ 'tur-muh-nl ]['tɜːmɪnl] n. 末端;终点站;终点;终端机;航站楼 adj. 末端的;终点的;晚期的;(每)学期的
—— app 名词 [ ap ][æp] abbr. 应用程序(=application)

Once you have opened the terminal app, change to the directory in which you saved Red.
—— in which ... 是which引导的定语从句,表示“在...里面”,接近于where;例句:He give me a box in which to keep the toy. 他给了我一个装着玩具的盒子。
—— directory 名词 [ dih-'rek-tuh-ree, -tree, dahy- ][də'rektəri] n. 目录;工商名录;指南 adj. 给予指导的

Now do a: chmod u+x which will make sure that Red can be run on your computer.
—— chmod 名词 chmod [tʃ'mɒd] n. 改变模式;这是Linux和Mac OS操作系统中的一个命令

After that simply run Red using ./.
—— simply 形容词 [ 'sim-plee ]['sɪmpli] adv. 简单地;仅仅;简直

This will build the Red console.
—— console [ kuh n-'sohl ][kən'səʊl] n. 仪表盘;操控台;(游戏)平台;控制台

Next time you run Red, the console will automatically open.


No installer, no setup, no dependencies(*)!
—— installer 名词 installer [ in-'stawl ][ɪns'tɔːlər] n. 安装者;[计算机]安装程序;安装包
—— setup 名词 [ 'set-uhp ]['setʌp] n. 装备;安装;配置;设置
—— dependencies 名词复数形式 [ dih-'pen-duh n-see ][dɪ'pendənsɪz] n. 依存;依赖 dependency的复数形式.

What, that's all?

Yes, there was a time when software used to be done right, that's what we aim at bringing back.
—— software 名词 [ 'sawft-wair, 'soft- ]['sɒftweə] n. 软件
—— aim [ eym ][eɪm] n. 目标;对准;枪法 vt. 瞄准;针对 vi. 瞄准;旨在;致力
—— bringing 原型:bring 动词现在进行式或动名词 [ bring ][brɪŋ] vt. 带来;促使;引起;劝诱 vi. 产生

—— 这是文字表情符号,代表微笑的表情


Installing Red locally

Here is a step by step guide of how to install Red locally:

Download the correct Red binary version for your computer from here (takes only a few seconds, it's less than 1MB).

Save into a suitable folder.

For Windows users, run it by double-clicking on the Red binary file.

It will then automatically build the Red GUI-console.

Next time you double-click on the file, the GUI-console will automatically open.

For Linux/OSX users, you need to open a terminal app to be able to run Red.

Once you have opened the terminal app, change to the directory in which you saved Red.

Now do a: chmod u+x which will make sure that Red can be run on your computer.
——现在执行:chmod u+x以确保Red可以在您的计算机上运行。

After that simply run Red using ./.

This will build the Red console.

Next time you run Red, the console will automatically open.


No installer, no setup, no dependencies(*)!

What, that's all?

Yes, there was a time when software used to be done right, that's what we aim at bringing back.




Red语言的官网是 red-lang.org,直接去下载安装包(其实就是一个可执行文件)即可,最新的版本是类似0.6.4。



<code>Red []

print "We are the world!"/<code>

Red语言代码必须以“Red[”开始,且只有这里大小写是敏感的,其他的地方大小写是不敏感的。print是将输出“We are the world!”这些文字。假设我们将这段代码存入D:\\redprjs\\test\\test.red文件中,然后就可以用red命令来执行它。






<code>"d:\\tools\\red\\red.exe" %*/<code>



Red程序将在GUI控制台中运行,可以看到,正确地输出了“We are the world!”这一行文字。




<code>Red [needs: view]
view [
t1: text "Hello world!" 200
button "换句子" [
t1/text: "We are the world."



点击“换句子”按钮,句子将会变成“We are the world!”,神奇吧?


