今天公司發口罩了,可惜沒我的 company hand out masks to us

Today,company distributed the dust mask to front line operators and department leaders but i was excluded it is so pitiful and disappointed to me .do you know why not hand it to me ?they said to me i have completed my dust masks since last week ,but i wanted to responded to the pertinent leader ,it is for daily using ,but now is fort coronavirus ,it is very different ,they shall know how to distinguish/differentiate between from their purposes.however they can not hear your explanation/interpretation.so i was rejected.


Hello ,today is third day of Fiji disease of new novel crown pneumonia happened/outbroke/outburst in Fiji ,the patient infected by novel pneumonia has successfully infected his members of household family mother and little daughter,it is positive that his mother and little daughter got symptom of new corona -2019,so we can get the consequence of virus his infectivity is very nation wild/worldwide/epidemic/pandemic/prevalent ,and insumaltaniously ,it might not show/display/disappear its symptoms of corona-2019 within dormant period/latent period/incubation period,it meant it is hidden and concealed ,and it will last to be long.and within the latent period/incubation it can not show his series of symptoms including fever cough vomit suffocation and typical /special/concrete showings,it is equal that this kind of patient is asymptomatic sicker ,so we get consequence it is very terrible and lethal/scary .please pay much highlight to the pneumonia ,shun the dereliction of disease ,no ignoring and neglecting ,especially ,reinforce/stress/emphasize the people without safety and consciousness/awareness/mentality,because they are weak/feeble/poor in above items,please protect yourself.


Today ,company inform/notify the hyper interpreter who is Chinese to take the pertinent work order to pick his dust mask in the store ,of course all the people were informed one by one by female translator.for she sent the relevant message to we chat group ,so i watched/saw/read/browse the message,so i trudged go to office to pick/take my mask order,but i was instructed to be rejected/refused,the instruction is immediately commanded by direct leader.i could not constrain my anxiety/anger/incense so i outbroke/outburst/erupt my anger out,i responded it to assistant of general manager ,explained/expounded/explicate/interpreted to him,wish him having a good communication with that leader ,now i scrutinized my excuses and pretext/pretense that i took the ten dust masks from warehouse before the disease outbroke/outburst,these masks were used for daily items,for example blew the dust from electrical board/cabinets as these places were very dirty and much dusty,so i pleased my direct boss to unfold/deploy/appraise/authorize my work order.he signed his name in paper,so i got /took ten masks from warehouse,it is whole/entire/throughout courses actually.and at the same time i did not hide/conceal/own/private these masks ,i handed them out to my team members.so i wanted to question him why did not give me masks,do i break/breach the company rules and reputations ,obviously/manifestly/previously/i did company rules without breaking it .it is very confused to understand/construe it ,it is unprecedented and preposterous/absurd/paradoxical.


We take the matter on his merits.if explain/expound/interpret/explicate this instances or follow up/persist in/comply with/execute/implement/carry out/perform our company rules and reputations promulgated/issued by enterprise/firm/corporation,that boy had no any excuse/pretext/pretense to reject/refuse me if refer to company items.because it differed/distinguished/differentiated from the purposes.one is for daily usage ,another is for resisting/boycott/fight against corona-2019,therefore,i accented repeatedly i could not breach company disciplines.both of different items is without across/interaction/overlapping/intersection any way.so company should distribute dust masks to my team,it is eligible/legitimate.at that time i was very angry with behaviors when i was informed to be repudiated to get masks ,but i became clear right now ,nobody would bear/sustain/should the temper if i got angry.so released/relifed my pressure from anger.reversely,how did i do facing the bummer.


So ,if you meet/bump into/happen/occur on this events in actual/real/modern society,how do you deal with/cope/tackle/address/solve/resolve/handle/treat/solute this problems?you choose compromise or capitulation/surrender or even articulation/eloquence/argument/debate ?this is my article ,so hope you express/comment your views/perspectives in your personal viewpoints/standpoints

So thank you for forward/re-post my writings ,let share it with you.

