

When the sorceress wanted to enter, she stood below and called out:

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your hair to me.”

Rapunzel had splendid long hair, as fine as spun gold. When she heard the sorceress's voice, she untied her braids, wound them around a window hook, let her hair fall twenty yards to the ground, and the sorceress climbed up it.


"莴苣,莴苣,把你的头发垂下来。 "

莴苣姑娘长着一头金丝般浓密的长发。 一听到女巫的叫声,她便松开她的发辫,把顶端绕在一个窗钩上,然后放下来二十公尺。女巫便顺着这长发爬上去。


A few years later it happened that a king's son was riding through the forest. As he approached the tower he heard a song so beautiful that he stopped to listen.

一两年过去了。 有一天,王子骑马路过森林,刚好经过这座塔。 这时,他突然听到美妙的歌声,不由得停下来静静地听着。

It was Rapunzel, who was passing the time by singing with her sweet voice. The prince wanted to climb up to her, and looked for a door in the tower, but none was to be found.

唱歌的正是莴苣姑娘,她在寂寞中只好靠唱歌来打发时光。 王子想爬到塔顶上去见她,便四处找门,可怎么也没有找到。


He rode home, but the song had so touched his heart that he returned to the forest every day and listened to it. One time, as he was thus standing behind a tree, he saw the sorceress approach, and heard her say:

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your hair.”

Then Rapunzel let down her strands of hair, and the sorceress climbed up them to her.

他回到了宫中,那歌声已经深深地打动了他,他每天都要骑马去森林里听。 一天,他站在一棵树后,看到女巫来了,而且听到她冲着塔顶叫道:

"莴苣,莴苣,把你的头发垂下来。 "



"If that is the ladder into the tower, then sometime I will try my luck."



