大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 台词4

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 台词4

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:考虑去与留

I mean If you think about the advantages

and disadvantages of being here

compared to just taking a semester off

and going back to Stanford.

in the long run,even the short run,

I'll be way ahead.

you know, of the general,

I mean,

staying here really would cost a fortune.

And my dad was right,

when he said that he worked really hard

to keep me from having to pay for college,

for, like, a decade after I graduate, you know,

And I should take advantage of that.

And the financial aid office actually said that

they would refund a portion of the semester.so...

my parents are coming on Sunday,

which seems a pretty good timing,

don't you think?

So I'm gonna just go back to Palo Alto,

and get back on track,

you know, become a doctor,

and maybe save someone else's life.


Ah,Thank you,

for your... your patience,cos...

you must think I'm a real basket case.

Look, I got a chance to look over your portfolio.

I'm not saying you wouldn't make an exceptional physician,

but...you're already an artist.

Thank you.Thank you.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 未节选

This was outside your door.

It must have been put in the wrong mailbox by mistake,

which wouldn't be pretty weird for the mailroom.

Who's it from?

My French tutor.

She...We worked together for years and

She was supposed to be married.

Three months before her wedding,

her fiance was killed.

He was on a motorcycle

and the guy who hit him was in a jeep.

Sally couldn't deals, so she moved away,

just cos I guess she had to.

I've never been able to talk to anyone

like I can talk to her,

so instead of writing, I talk to her,

and she talks back to me,

and that's who that's from.

I'm sure you felt the same thing when Jonathan died.

Listen, I need to talk to you.

I'm sorry about the other night,I...

Maybe we could go up on the roof or something.


What I wanted to say to you

what I've been thinking about,

since you came to see me the other night,

is the truth.

The fact is, Felicity,

the thing that I wanted to share with you is that.

I never had a brother, ever.

I mean, I had to write something right,

so I wrote all this.

Well, you read what I wrote,

And I wanted to tell you because...

well, I don't know why I wanted to tell you.

Because you provoke me.

You know,

you make me think about things that I never think about.

Without even saying anything,

just by the way you look at me.

You want the absolute truth?

One of the main reasons I wanted to come to New York

was that it was a pretty good chance of

getting far away from everything as possible,

my parents, my family, all that crap.

And, yeah, on top of it I lied to get in,

so basically I'm a shallow loser.

But I'm also very sorry

that I'm not who you thought I was

a guy you came so far to get to know,

because you thought he was so great,

and I'm not.

What are you thinking?

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:来纽约的真正原因

I'd never made a substantial choice in my life,

and that's why I came here.

I thought it was you,

but you were just really the excuse.

When I came up to you at graduation,

it was like a high, like a drug,

because I had never done something like that before.

What I mean is that I wasn't fully sober,

and so the irony of it is that

the first real big decision I made

turned out to be just stupid and embarrassing.

And... I guess something I'll look back on

as a regret.

And that's that.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 未节选

I just wanted to make sure that everything was OK with us,

especially if you're leaving.

You didn't have to do that.

Yeah, I did.

I can't wait to see this place when it snows.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:诺尔的大道理

OK, here's my speech.

This is the big speech from Noel.

You mustn't leave this school.

Why? Here's why.

Because this is a life struggle.

This is fate. This is a challenge.

If you turn away from this now,

you will, and I promise you this,

be confronted by the same issue five years from now,or ten.

You'll be the fancy doctor with the fancy practice.

You'll be married

and you'll have, like, four phone lines in your home.

And then, boom...

it'll grip you like a blast of freezing cold air.

You know, what the hell is my life?

And you'll be able to trace it back to this instant,

this very moment,

when that geek RA gave you these four words of advice:

stay in New York or perish.

Five... six words.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 未节选

Let me just...

I just wanna...

I mean, you don't have...

feelings for me, do you?

Me? Honestly?

Do you?



if I can just give you one more bit of advice.

Don't fundamentally disregard everything I've told you,

just because of my affection for you.

I'm so sorry.

This is the last thing in the world that I wanted

to hurt you.

If I had known that you liked Ben,


I never ever would gone back to his place.

It all just... It seems really important right now.

You are my friend, OK? And that...

means more than to me you probably think.

I'm not gonna see him again, OK?

It doesn't matter.

I mean, I'm leaving anyway, so...

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 未节选:父母提出的解决方案

We realise we overreacted.

Especially Dad.

Especially me.

And, when you think about it, so did you. A little.


we've obviously gone over this ad infinitum.

That's why we're here.


That...you've missed the first quarter at Stanford.

That's not tragedy.

And we're very flexible on what we're proposing here,

but the general idea is this.

You come home this week, next week.

We cover every expense.

We'll even take care of that loan.

and you'll start at Stanford in January

You can take a couple extra courses,

so that you can make up the lost credits by June.

Then we're right back on schedule,

and you got a chance to see the world,

and find out what you really wanted

was what you already had.

What if they don't let me in?

I took care of that.


I went by the registration office and picked up your packet.

What do you mean, took care of it?

Well, I made a few calls, had a few lunches.

Like in the fall.

The point is,

and I think you're being very mature about this,

you made an impulsive decision,

and it was a mistake.

And now we're gonna fix it.

What did you do in the fall?

When you were accepted the first time,

I made a few calls, I pulled a few strings.

I didn't know that.

Oh,last but not least.

You can have Mom's car.

And when you get back,

we'll look at some apartments,

and see if there's anything we can all agree on.

What do you say?

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:和父母说想留下来

I guess the thing is that if I made a mistake,

then at least it was mine, you know?

No, I don't know. What does it mean?

It means that I think I have to stay.

Wait a moment. Wait a moment.

You were about to agree to this.

I know, but...

but that would have been a pretty impulsive decision,


And... I just...

I don't think that would be the best thing to do.

it is...but it is.

It is the best thing to do right now.

Well, I just...

I really think I should give it some time, you know?

I mean...

I really can't wait to see what this city looks like when it snows.


Alright, if you do this,

if you decide to do this and make this...

colossal mistake and stay,

that's it.

We're not gonna bail you out next time.

Well, I guess that's a decision you'll have to make.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:你做了一个很好的选择

Dear Felicity,

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you.

It's been a real struggle in Santa Fe.

I guess when your heart gets broken,

you sort of start to see the cracks in everything.

I'm convinced that tragedy wants to harden us,

and that our mission is to never let it.

Two weeks ago I was going to move again.

I was all packed,

I was going to start all over somewhere new.

That morning I received your first tape from college,

I just sat there in my little apartment,

listening to your voice,

crying like a baby.

Suddenly you were tutoring me,

I guess I'm learning little by little,

that we decide what our lives are gonna be.

Things happen to us,

but it's our reactions that matter.

I just want you to know,

Iguess that you've made a really great choice,

and I can't wait to hear what happens.

