大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 台词3

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 台词3

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:开学两周的转变

I'm making an adjustment to the George curve,

I'm concerned that,so...

some of my initial comments along the lines of,

no one will fail this course,

were taken a little too literally

and a little too liberally by many of you.

You know who you are,

and now I know who you are.

So, you will see

a slight adjustment in today's assignment.

It's amazing how much a person

can change in two weeks.

Noel is right.

I mean, the old me

would have never been able to let go of my expectations.

I mean, in terms of Ben,

When he asked me for help he wanted to make sure you know that I was ok with things,

and wouldn't feel weird,

which I thought was really amazing.

So this is what it is.

We're becoming friends,

which I swear to God,

I'm totally OK with surprisingly.

What do you think she means ?

OK. We could look at life as just life,

being alive.

Or maybe she means eternal life.

Maybe she's talking about heaven.

Yeah, I think that's right,

I think...I think it's both.


How come you never went to parties in high school?

I went to a couple.

Just in case you weren't there on Awards Day.

I didn't exactly win the Most Popular.

Oh,God. You did, didn't you?

You actually won the Most Popular.

Yeah. Well, those things are stupid.

Come in.

Hey. Hey, I got you this.

It's a pocket guide to the subway,

sort of a survival thing.

Thanks. You didn't have to do that, but thanks.

Yeah, it was... Don't worry about it.

So... OK.

I'll see ya.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 未节选

I know we talked about

study for the review tomorrow afternoon,

but I can't,

I got classes all day.

Oh,well, the review's Friday,

well, do you wanna do it tomorrow night?

By the way,

have you done the calendar yet or not?


You're doing the floor calendar for next month,right?

Right, but don't I have two weeks for that?

This is Noel.

This is Ben.

How are you doing.

Good, thanks.


I'm just making sure you were on top of it.

I'm on top of it.





I'm sorry.

It's OK.

Tomorrow night I'm actually I made plans with Julie.

Ah,this one was just to bug you.

Alright. OK, my job's done. Bye-bye.

You know what?

Why don't you and Julie and I all go together?

Do you think Julie'd be OK with that?

Of course.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:约朱莉一起学习

Wanna hear the scariest thing so far?

I found my roommate doing my laundry.

Who,the clean freak?

She didn't think my underwear was clean enough

to be in the same room as her underwear.

I'm applying for a room change.

Can see you know Ben from poetry?

It's OK if he comes along tonight, right?



You know I think I have a handle on it.

On the what?

The Blake poem. Our assignment.

I thought it was tough but...


You said you were desperate, tough.

Look, seriously, you guys go out.

I don't wanna be a fifth wheel.

Julie, we're not going out.

I mean, we're studying.

And we all three need to study, right?

What is the deal with you guys?

you and Ben? Are you dating, or...?

No.oh.No.We're just friends.

I mean, we know each other from high school.

Oh,You guys went to the same high school?


Cause I really thought there was something going on.


I just,

I didn't wanna be the one on the outside.

Of course not.

So will you come, please?

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 未节选


In his house?

In his house.

What about the guy who gives his dog a bath?

And to dry it off, he puts it in the microwave.

That is the classic one of all time.

I heard it was a cat.

No,it was a dog.

Are you sure?

It had to be a dog.


Know any others?

The one about the couple who go to Vietnam.

You're full of them.

I don't like that one.

The Vietnam one, that's horrible.

That's disgusting.

You don't know that one?

OK. I'll be right back.

Will you get me another drink?

So,I don't know how you'll feel about this.

Feel about what?


What we said the other day about being friends.

remember that? I mean.

Did you mean that?

You're meant said?


I mean, of course I did.


What are you...?

No, it's just I'm kind of into Julie,

and I just wanted to make sure that it's OK.


I am so sorry.

I thought you said that...

Don't. No.

There's nothing to be sorry about.

That's actually really fine.


What do you think?

I mean, I can't tell if she likes me or not.

I can't tell if I'm sitting here,

and I'm talking too much or what.

I think that Julie thinks,

you know,


That you're wonderful.

Are you serious?

Hi. Are you Meghan?


Hi, I'm Felicity, your roommate.

大学生费莉希蒂第1季第1集 节选:费莉希蒂指责本误导她



No, it's Sean.

Put Ben on.


It's Felicity. Buzz me up.

think we talk tomorrow?

Ben, no.

How could you write that in my yearbook?


I've watched you for four years.

Always wondered what you were like.

You wrote those words to me.

I asked if you were OK with things.

I was OK.

but it doesn't mean your actions don't have consequences.

My actions? What actions are those?

Oh,come on.

Even the slightest behaviour means something.

That's so obvious.

Like physics.

Nothing happens without an effect.

I never took physics.

No.Don't say you never took physics.

Because that's what you do.

You...you play innocent,

and you're charismatic and you smile,

and you get away with it,

and you made me fall for you,

and this is what's not fair.

You knew it and you liked it.

What? Do I like the fact that you like me?

Yes, of course I do.

When I told you why I came here,

you said you were flattered.


No, I was awkward.

I revealed a bit about myself in your yearbook,

and you changed your college plans.

What the hell are we talking about here?

I know you better than you think I do.

Oh,you do?

Yes. I know all about your brother.


I read your application essay.

You read my essay?


I've done one questionably immoral thing in 17 years.

No,No,No,Wait sec.

How did you read my essay?

How could you lead me on?

You made me fall in love with you.

You know what? You're acting crazy.

All I did was be nice to you.

I never asked you to come here.

That was your choice, not mine.

How could you think you're in love with me?

You don't even know me.



