

2017年5月23日,當地時間5月23日下午,正在日內瓦舉行的第70屆世界衛生大會選舉埃塞俄比亞政府提名的該國前外交部長譚德塞•阿達諾姆博士(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)為世界衛生組織新任總幹事。他是世衛組織近70年曆史中首位來自非洲的總幹事。

On the afternoon of May 23, 2017 local time, at the 70th World Health Assembly in Geneva, the former Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. tedros adhanom ghebreyeus, nominated by the Ethiopian government, was elected as the new director general of the World Health Organization. He is the first director general from Africa in who's nearly 70 years of history.


世界衛生組織(英文名稱:World Health Organization,縮寫WHO,中文簡稱世衛組織)是聯合國下屬的一個專門機構,總部設置在瑞士日內瓦,只有主權國家才能參加,是國際上最大的政府間衛生組織。

The World Health Organization (who) is a specialized agency under the United Nations, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Only sovereign countries can participate. It is the largest intergovernmental Health Organization in the world.


The purpose of the World Health Organization is to achieve the highest possible level of health for people all over the world. The main functions of the World Health Organization include: to promote the prevention and control of epidemics and endemic diseases; to provide and improve teaching and training in public health, disease care and related matters; and to promote the establishment of international standards for biological products.



The predecessor of who can be traced back to the international public health bureau established in Paris in 1907 and the international alliance health organization established in Geneva in 1920. After the war, according to the decision of the UN Economic and Social Council, representatives of 64 countries held an international health conference in New York in July 1946 and signed the law of the World Health Organization. On April 7, 1948, the law came into force after it was approved by 26 member states of the United Nations, and the World Health Organization was established.


Every year, April 7 becomes the global "World Health Day". On June 24 of the same year, the World Health Organization was formally established at the first World Health Assembly held in Geneva, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.



The WHO assembly is the highest authority of who, and it is held in Geneva every May.


The main tasks are to consider the work report of the director general, plan the budget, admit new member states and discuss other important topics.


The executive committee is the executive body of the World Health Assembly, which is responsible for implementing the resolutions, policies and tasks entrusted by the assembly. It is composed of 32 qualified technical experts in the field of health. Each member is selected by its member country and approved by the World Health Assembly. The term of office is three years, and one third of them are re elected every year.


According to the gentleman's agreement of the World Health Organization, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are inevitable executive members, but they will be vacant for one year after the third year. The Secretariat of the permanent establishment has six regional offices in Africa, America, Europe, the eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific.


On May 10, 1972, the 25th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution to restore China's legal seat in the World Health Organization


1. 指導和協調國際衛生工作。

Guide and coordinate international health work.

2. 根據各國政府的申請,協助加強國家的衛生事業,提供技術援助。

Assist in strengthening national health undertakings and providing technical assistance according to the application of governments.

3. 主持國際性流行病學和衛生統計業務。

Take charge of international epidemiology and health statistics.

4. 促進防治和消滅流行病、地方病和其他疾病。

Promote the prevention and eradication of epidemics, endemic

and other diseases.

5. 促進防治工傷事故及改善營養、居住、計劃生育和精神衛生。

Promote the prevention and control of industrial accidents and improve nutrition, housing, family planning and mental health.

6. 促進從事增進人民健康的科學和職業團體之間的合作。

Promote cooperation among scientific and professional groups engaged in promoting people's health.

7. 提出國際衛生公約、規劃、協定。

Propose international health conventions, plans and agreements.

8. 促進並指導生物醫學研究工作。

Promote and guide biomedical research.

9. 促進醫學教育和培訓工作。

Promote medical education and training.

10. 制定有關疾病、死因及公共衛生實施方面的國際名稱。

Develop international names for diseases, causes of death and public health implementation.

11. 制定診斷方法的國際規範的標準。

Develop international standards for diagnostic methods.

12. 制定並發展食品衛生、生物製品、藥品的國際標準。

To formulate and develop international standards for food hygiene, biological products and drugs.


Assist in health publicity and education among people of all countries世界衛生組織與中國冠狀病毒


2020年2月10日,世界衛生組織牽頭成立的新型冠狀病毒國際專家組先遣隊已經抵達中國,將和中方人員合作,貢獻專業知識,解答實際問題 。




