face the music,面对音乐?真正的意思和这个完全没关系哦

face the music,【be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions】,承担自己行为的后果,也就说接受惩罚或批评。

face the music,面对音乐?真正的意思和这个完全没关系哦

例句:We would later have to face the music over our bold moves. 我们过后会为我们大胆的行为承担后果


music to one's ears,【something that is very pleasant or gratifying to hear or discover】,让某人心花怒放的话或者发现。

例句:The commission's report was music to the ears of the government. 委员会的报告正合政府的意

face the music,面对音乐?真正的意思和这个完全没关系哦

