Hubble Space Telescope哈

NASA 三月七日发布了通过哈勃深空望远镜观察到


Hubble Space Telescope

New Hubble Gallery Features Celestial Objects From Caldwell Catalog Visible to Amateur Astronomers.

科德韦尔深空天体表(Caldwell Catalogue),是一个包含109个比较明亮的星团、星云和星系的天文星表。这个星表由英国天文科普作家、业余观测者、电视节目主持人帕特里克·科德韦尔·穆尔(Patrick Caldwell-Moore)编集,提供一些天文爱好者可以观测的深空目标,是梅西耶星团星云列表的重要补充。并于1995年12月将星表发表在天空与望远镜杂志上。科德韦尔深空天体表受到天文爱好者的欢迎,由于穆尔的第一个字母和梅西耶的第一个字母同为M,所以穆尔采用他名字中的Caldwell而不是习惯上用的Moore来命名这个深空天体表,并用Caldwell的第一个字母C来标记星表中的天体。

Hubble Space Telescope哈

Hubble Space Telescope哈

Hubble Space Telescope哈

Hubble Space Telescope哈

Hubble Space Telescope哈

The barred spiral galaxy NGC 3887, seen here as viewed by the Wide Field Camera 3 aboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, lies over 60 million light-years away from us in the southern constellation of Crater (the Cup). It was discovered on Dec. 31, 1785, by astronomer William Herschel.

