
今天推送一篇分析中国服装行业劳动力和机器人应用的文章《shirt tales》,发表于年初1月5日《经济学人》周刊,看机器人技术如何帮助中国企业应对人工成本上涨的影响。




Walk through Esquel’s biggest factory in Foshan in the Pearl River Delta and it is clear that even here the robots are coming. The hundreds of workers sitting, heads down, in pink caps are a sight to behold. They are also outnumbered by machines. On some lines, robotic arms swish, trimming collar bottoms and pressing plackets. The devices do fiddly jobs like making sure that tiny pearl-coloured buttons for Banana Republic have the word Banana on the top. Israeli cameras, adapted from military devices, use artificial intelligence to scan for flaws in the fabric, automating one of the most mind-numbing of jobs.


the Pearl River Delta 珠三角

behold v. (old use or literary)看见

outnumber v. 超过

swish v. 嗖嗖地挥舞

trim v. 修剪

placket n. 女裙开口

Banana Republic 中、南美洲发展中国家

adapt v. 改写;调整

flaw n. 瑕疵

fabric n. 纺织物

mind-numbing adj. 令人厌烦的



Some workers have been displaced but productivity has improved, keeping the firm’s profits stable despite a tripling since 2006 of its average monthly wage in China, to 4,500 yuan ($650). At first workers reacted to the machines rather as English Luddites eyed automated looms. But now they help design them. Esquel managers joke that they do so out of laziness—they want to make their jobs easier. Take “Sister Yan”, a matron in black dress and sensible shoes, who started on the factory floor aged 21. She worried about the shoddy quality of many of the hand-stitched garments, and helped the firm’s engineers to design mechanisms to do the job better. Now she is a senior manager, and with “Brother Ming”, the chief engineer, shares credit for several industrial patents. Tian Ye, an Esquel executive, quips that the increasingly tech-savvy seamstresses are no longer strictly blue-collar workers but nor are they yet white-collar ones either. Instead, he says, they are “checked or striped”.


Displace v. 取代

Triple v. 三倍

Matron n. 妇女

Sensible adj. 朴实而舒服的

Shoddy adj. 粗制滥造的

Tech-savvy adj. 技术娴熟的

Seamstress n. 女裁缝

Strip v. 除去;脱去



Automation is also expected to help Esquel in the trade standoff with America. Despite the frictions, Marjorie Yang, Esquel’s chairman, is in effect doubling down on China. She touts a 2bn yuan investment in a new factory in Guilin, a picturesque region, including a yarn-spinning division so high-tech that visitors are not allowed to walk the floors. So far Esquel’s products have been spared American tariffs. American clients are nervous, so if need be the firm could shift some production to its factories outside China, such as in Mauritius, while moving other lines back home.

溢达希望生产自动化助其克服|中|美|贸|易|僵局。即使在|中|美|贸|易|摩擦的当口,溢达主席Marjorie Yang依然加倍了在中国的投资。她声称在风景如画的桂林投资了20亿人民币建立一家新工厂,新工厂包含一个不允许来访者在厂房内行走的高科技纺纱模块。到目前为止,溢达产品还未受到美国关税制裁。但美国客户还是紧张,如有必要,溢达可以把部分产能转移到国外,比如毛里求斯,同时把其他生产线转回国内。

|贸|易|战|:trade dispute/conflict/spat/friction/standoff

Tout v. 标榜

Picturesque adj. 优美的

Yarn-spinning n. 纺纱

Spare v. 免得

Mauritius n. 毛里求斯



