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Photo: VCG

Disqualifying Joshua Wong is a law-based righteous, reasonable decision

Joshua Wong Chi-fung, secretary general of pro-democracy party Demosisto, was formally informed on Tuesday that his nomination for Hong Kong's coming district council elections was invalid by Laura Liang Aron, the Electoral Affairs Commission's returning officer of the South Horizon West Constituency, because Wong did not meet the requirements for the election.


Wong was disqualified because he did not abandon his support for "Hong Kong independence" as an option for self-determination. Wong accused Aron of "political censorship" at a press conference on Tuesday, and he also falsely called the disqualification a "hard order" and "political mission" of Beijing.


The Global Times supports Aron's decision to disqualify Wong according to law. How can Wong, a man who has used his full strength to attack the political system in Hong Kong and stood against the country by publicly relying on the political forces of the US and the West, have no shame to participate in the election in Hong Kong to become part of the political system?



Wong has no bottom line in morality. Although he is young, he is a political extremist and rogue.


It must be noted that disqualifying Wong is the authority of the district officer, and any election in Hong Kong is an internal election of a special administrative region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China, rather than an election within the framework of a sovereign state.


There are rules for who can and can't run in an election, and the most basic conditions for all candidates in the Hong Kong SAR is that they cannot undermine the legitimate relations between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, threaten the "one country, two systems" principle, and pursue "Hong Kong independence" in any form.


The Hong Kong people and those who care about the city know who Wong is. Although he said he does not support "Hong Kong independence," what he does every day is to try to get rid of Hong Kong's Basic Law and turn the city into an anti-China fortress manipulated by the US.


We believe most Hong Kong residents have already seen this through. Hong Kong society does not lack collective political EQ and it will generally understand the strong political logic of disqualifying Wong.


There are riots on the streets of Hong Kong from time to time, and Wong is not a political opposition, but a political saboteur. He wants to destroy the "one country, two systems" principle and push Hong Kong into the arms of the US and the West. Even if he has the support of many external forces, he will never achieve it.


Wong often said that "one country, two systems" has become a "one country, 1.5 systems" principle, mimicking the tone of Western public opinion to judge the Basic Law wantonly. However, the only one who has the right to interpret the Basic Law is the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


The US has big interests in finding people like Wong to make them a model who share the same values with Washington and help Washington attack China.


Wong has already served as a lackey to the Americans. He should not participate in the political system of Hong Kong while he is loyal to Washington.



