【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃


The second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation has concluded yesterday. The forum has offered an opportunity to consider, deliberate and determine the future of the initiative.

China Focus以“一带一路”为主题,推出一系列海外知名人物高端访谈,今天推出对东盟前秘书长、南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际关系学院执行副主席、国防与战略研究院院长王景荣的专访。

With the theme of Belt and Road construction, China Focus has launched a series of high-profile overseas interviews. Today we have an exclusive interview with Ong Keng Yong, former Secretary-General of ASEAN, RSIS Executive Deputy Chairman, IDSS President.

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃





Interviewee: Ong Keng Yong, former Secretary-General of ASEAN, RSIS Executive Deputy Chairman, IDSS President

Interviewer: Xue Li, research fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Date: July 12, 2018

Location: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

China Focus: 您如何评价“一带一路”倡议?

China Focus: How do you evaluate the Belt and Road Initiative?


Ong Keng Yong: Personally, I believe that many countries need Belt and Road Initiative as they lack infrastructure and connectivity. The initiative has led to expectations of more infrastructure and connectivity, whilst presenting more advantages than the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. China has also established the greatly advantageous Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃


China needs to make plans, however. If you construct a railway bringing multitudes and goods from Beijing to Xinjiang (the Uygur autonomous region in the northwest) but see no corresponding return, you may solve this concern via installing factories throughout Xinjiang because this is a domestic project. However, if you step abroad to a place like Kazakhstan you will find that though you are selling Chinese goods there, not much is flowing back. China should pay more attention to its returns when engaging in such projects, and it is necessary to make plans ahead of schedule.


Many problems have been solved over the last five years. As people realize that the Belt and Road Initiative is more than ambition, they shall undertake its management and comprehension more effectively.

China Focus: 习近平主席将“一带一路”称为“世纪工程”,这意味着需要推进“一带一路”的可持续发展,在您看来,在“一带一路”建设的可持续性方面有什么问题?该如何解决?

China Focus: President Xi Jinping referred to the "Belt and Road" as a "Century Project," which means that it is necessary to promote the sustainable development of the initiative. In your opinion, what problems that exist in the sustainability of Belt and Road construction? How can they be solved?


Ong Keng Yong: I regard the Belt and Road Initiative as a sustainable "Century Project." Sustainability has two important dimensions. On one hand, sustainability as it pertains to capital and resources is not an issue. China will forge its own path to project funding. On the other hand, whether residents of countries targeted for investment will accept this attention. The road to a port may be a sight to behold, but if no one uses it, it may not lead to profit. Now the problem is planning on who will make use of such projects.

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃

▲ 2018年8月2日,斯里兰卡科伦坡国际集装箱码头。(图/新华社)

Photo taken on Aug. 2, 2018 shows the Colombo International Container Terminals in Sri Lanka. (Photo/Xinhua)


At the local level, for example, the Sri Lankan and Indonesian governments must inform their respective constituents that this is a beneficial project. These have been considered for a long time, yet funds haven't been so forthcoming. Now that Chinese companies are ready to invest, we can partner with the Chinese side to our benefit. The problem is that a host country government may be very satisfied with the project, yet the country is unable to participate, so they hope is that China will complete all requisite components, including the communication with locals.


First, China needs to communicate with the host government, and the host government needs to do more. Of course, Chinese contractors will provide engineers and labor for construction, however locals may complain of job losses, hence the host government needs to solve this problem.



Second, China will bring labor to the project because there is no available workforce there for China to recruit. It will take extra time to hire local workers, which may happen during the first stage. However, should China train locals, during the second phase China can reduce imported labor and source workers locally.

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃

▲ 位于苏伊士经济特区的巨石埃及玻纤生产基地被视作中国与埃及工业合作的成功典范之一。

Jushi Egypt For Fiberglass Industry S.A.E (Jushi Egypt), located in the China-Egypt Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, has been regarded as one of the most successful examples of industrial cooperation between the two countries.

China Focus评:“一带一路”项目应该为东道国创造就业机会。不过,当地的劳工参与情况也因不同国家而异。例如,中国在埃及建造的平板玻璃厂里,在普通工人中当地人占比达99%,中层管理人员中也达到67%。)

(China Focus Note: BRI projects should create jobs for the host country. Local labor participation is a case-by-case issue. A sheet glass factory in Egypt, built by China, for instance, local people account for 99% of field workers and 67% of mid-level management staff.)


Finally, Chinese goods go from Beijing, through Xi'an, Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, and finally to Europe, but what does China gain from these countries? For example, Chinese railway reached Tehran through Central Asia. After initialization Iranians were satisfied with the railway. The next step was how an Iranian company would plan on shipping goods back to China. If the train unloads the entirety of its cargo from China in Iran but does not return with Iranian goods, then new problems will arise. I think planners and designers of the Belt and Road need to continue to urge local governments to pay attention to such a scenario.

China Focus: “一带一路”在新加坡推进情况如何?新加坡将会扮演什么角色?

China Focus: How goes the progress of the Belt and Road in Singapore? What role will Singapore play?


Ong Keng Yong: The Belt and Road actually has two layers of investment: The first is installing large scale roads, railways, bridges, and ports, and the second focuses on erecting hotels, schools, and stores. Each of these require completely different participants.

【高端访谈】王景荣: “一带一路”倡议使中国在全球舞台上更加活跃


While Singapore has the funding and expertise, it has always played match-maker, which is service-oriented. Given its experience in infrastructure and economic development, Singapore can also offer ideas to improve the BRI as a participating country.


First, as a traditional financial and transportation hub, Singapore can convene interested investors and raise funds for the construction of related projects. Singapore is needed in the BRI as she can act as a bank to attract more international engagement.


Second, per construction of the Maritime Silk Road, Singapore has maintained good relations with companies and people in many countries along the route. Therefore, Singapore can help build capacity, train labor, and maintain logistical order. More importantly, China must ask if assistance will be required. If China were to do everything, then there would be no need for other stakeholders, so more stakeholders need to be included. If there is a problem, it is not only a matter concerning China, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, but also investors. The AIIB, a new international financial institution, is a very good concept. For Singapore, if a project is well evaluated, the AIIB can be encouraged to invest, and it can attract more investment from partner countries. This is a role that Singapore can play, mainly by providing funding, networking, increasing stakeholders and, if needed, engineering and technical assistance.

图片 / 网络

美编 / 高铭

