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中國教育部長江學者周蔭強教授(Patrick Y.K. Chau)加入寧波諾丁漢大學,擔任學校科研副校長一職,並將領導寧波諾丁漢大學的科研發展戰略制定。3月12日,學校執行校長尼克·邁爾斯教授(Nick Miles)宣佈了這一任命。



周蔭強 教授

周蔭強 教授




執行校長尼克·邁爾斯教授表示:“我非常歡迎周教授加入寧波諾丁漢大學。他的研究經驗和學術成就毋庸置疑。研究是大學戰略的一個重要方面,我很高興周教授將承擔這一部分舉足輕重的工作。我相信在他的領導下, 學校下一階段的科研發展會更上一層樓。”







“我在寧諾的第一個星期過得非常充實,也有很大收穫。通過會議和互動,來自各個部門的同事幫助我瞭解了大學的願景、使命、管理和運作。毫無疑問,我踏上了一列‘高速列車’。” 周教授說,“隨著寧諾2020年戰略規劃和寧諾2.0倡議的實施,我認為我的職責是成為這輛高速列車的‘謙虛、堅定和進取的駕駛員’,帶領我們所有的‘乘客’,無論是教員、學生還是行政人員,到達一個足以改變生活和學術世界的新高度。”


New Vice Provost for Research joins UNNC

12 March: The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) is delighted to announce today that Professor Patrick Chau has joined the University as the new Vice-Provost for Research. He will provide leadership for UNNC’s research development strategy.

Working closely with the Office of Research Development and across faculties, Professor Chau will develop strategies and sustain purposeful partnerships to enhance the University’s research excellence.

As a member of UNNC’s Management Board, Professor Chau will also contribute to and share responsibility for key decisions on the University’s development, strategy and policy.

Provost Professor Nick Miles said: “I am delighted to be welcoming Patrick to UNNC. His experience and academic achievements are without doubt unparalleled. As research being such a vital aspect of the University’s strategy, I’m glad that Patrick is taking this essential role. With his leadership, I look forward to the next phase of research development at UNNC.”

Professor Chau said: “Compared to the previous institution that I have worked for, UNNC is a much younger institution, which is full of energy and enthusiasm to grow and develop. As a mission of the University is to find out how our research transforms lives, my aim as the Vice Provost for Research is to realise this mission by working closely with colleagues and students to make it come true. In particular, I view that research is not for the sake of publication and definitely not the only sake. We aim to have our research findings to make not just academic impact but also impacts and contributions to society and even to the mankind.

“My first week at UNNC has been very rich and fruitful with a schedule full of meetings and interactions with colleagues from different units of the University who helped me understand the vision, mission, management and operation of the University. It is no doubt that I have got on a ‘high speed train’. With the UNNC Strategy 2020 and the UNNC 2.0 initiative ahead of us, I see my role as a ‘humble, committed and enterprising driver’ of this high speed train to lead and carry all our ‘passengers’, be them faculty members, students and professional staff, to a new height of academic discovery which transforms lives.”

Professor Patrick Chau is also a Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in Information Systems and Operations Management at UNNC.

Prior to joining UNNC, Professor Chau’s many leadership roles included Director of the School of Business at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), and Founding President of the College for Academic Leadership at the Association for Information Systems (AIS). Recognised for his academic achievement and societal contribution, the many awards that Professor Chau has received include Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professorship, the highest academic award in China issued by the Ministry of Education.

文字、電子編輯:Elena Yang

English:Chuchu Lou



