


Collection Value of Coins

Ancient coins have always been a popular collection in the collection market. Although many ancient coins have already lost their original circulation function with the passage of history, they have more new functions of collection value. After a certain period of evolution, the number of coin lovers and coin collectors has also developed to a certain extent. It is precisely these people who love, chase after or hype up the hot waves of ancient coin collection that always hit us one after another. The collection value of ancient coins is determined by the amount of the world, historical value, cultural value and casting technology.

  • <strong>文化價值
  • <strong>Cultural value


  • <strong>存世量
  • World quantity
  • 為紀念反袁擁護共和勝利,1917年8月雲南造幣廠開鑄唐繼堯紀念幣,有金、銀、銅三種材質。


  • <strong>歷史背景
  • Historical background




  • <strong>鑄造由來

<strong>Foundry origin


The Chinese civilization has been going up and down for 5,000 years, with a long history and culture. Each stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and the silver dollar is also an important part of this historical galaxy. Although coins were small, they also showed a glimpse of the social culture at that time. Both the front and back of the coin can see the traces of historical circulation, with obvious wear and tear on the edges, but it does not affect the overall aesthetic feeling.

In the early years of the Republic of China, such as Yuan Shikai, Xu Shichang, Cao Kun, Duan Qirui, Zhang Zuolin, Li Yuanhong and so on, all forged gold and silver commemorative coins and various commemorative medals to flaunt their merits. Local warlords are not to be outdone, such as Chu Yupu, Lu Rongting and Tan Haoming of Zhili, Ni Sichong of Anhui and Tang Jiyao of Yunnan, who have all cast their portraits into commemorative medals or coins. Tang Jiyao, because of his support for the Republic and meritorious service in protecting the country, liked to cast his head on coins or badges when he was in a high position as governor of Yunnan Province, thus showing his outstanding achievements and making a legend for himself.


