
美劇The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》講述的是關於女性重新找到自己聲音的故事。



Daisy on a open book

I was a goddamn flower. I smelled like roses.


“Hey, I made you laugh. I like it when you laugh. You like this song?”

“I do like this song.”

“Good. Cause it’s ours now.”




I love you. We have a home. We have children. I will do better. I... I’ll pay more attention. You can quit your job. We can go to the club every single night, and I’ll buy more notebooks.


Joel Maisel was my knight in shining armor, a gift from God. I thought I should get up here today and tell all of you that I love this man.


And I don’t understand it, because so what if I work? So what if I get divorced? So what if I’m alone? Why do women care about how people look at them or see them? All women. Beautiful women, successful women.


Left. He packed up my suitcase and left. Oh, I’m going to have to lie to Rabbi. There are so many questions spinning around in my head. Why did he leave? Why wasn’t I enough? So my life completely fell apart today.


Life isn’t fair. It’s hard and cruel. You have to pick your friends as if there’s a war going on. You want a husband who’ll take a bullet for you, not the one who points to the attic and says “They’re up there.”


Why do women have to pretend to be something that they’re not? Why do we have to pretend to be stupid when we’re not stupid? Yeah! Why do we have to pretend to be helpless when we’re not helpless? Why do we have to be sorry when we have nothing to be sorry about? Why do we have to pretend we’re not hungry when we’re hungry?

為什麼女人要假裝成為自己根本就不是的人呢?為什麼我們明明不笨卻要裝笨?是的!為什麼我們明明不需要幫助卻要假裝自己很無助? 為什麼我們明明不需要道歉卻假裝自己很抱歉? 為什麼我們要在餓的時候假裝自己不餓?

I know that men like stupid girls. She’s 21 and dumb as a Brillo pad. I was a great wife. I was fun. I planned the theme nights. I dressed in costumes. I gave him kids. And yes, our little girl is looking more and more like Winston Churchill everyday. But it’s not a reason to leave, right?


“He might not like the new me.”

“People change. You know who your mother was when I first met her? She had just come back from France. She smoked cigarettes. She wore a beret. I once shared an entire chocolate cake with her. That was a great night. But now... She’s different. She changed. Ah, I’m sure I changed. I’m not as limber as I once was, that’s for sure. But I still love her. Change...part of marriage.”



It’s fine. I don’t mind being alone. I just do not want to be insignificant.


Yeah! Because if women don’t realize, they won’t step in and fix it. Because they will fix it. And accessorize it.


I don’t even like the taste of alcohol. But I like being tipsy.


“I’m thinking of giving it another go.”



“Because you left.”





