




Land of Cai and Chu in History,

Capital of Coal Energy Nowadays


從夏商之際,“淮夷”人在此建立州來國,創造了淮夷文明,到成為“安徽省重要工業城市”“中國新型能源基地”“華東工業糧倉” 的代名詞;從春秋時期楚國令尹孫叔敖、戰國時期楚相春申君黃歇、漢代淮南王劉安、宋代呂氏家族、清代“一代帝師”孫家鼐,到近現代張匯滔、柏文蔚、方振武、廖運周等譽滿天下,素有“中州咽喉,江南屏障”之稱的淮南,如今正散發著她獨特的魅力。



Scenery of Mt. Bagong in Huainan

In Li Bai’s Song to Immortal Baihaozi, a recitation of a segment of the verses that reads as follows “the hills stretch toward the giant river, and the green peaks are amidst limpid waters” brings to light the beautiful landscape in Huainan. The verses of “Cranes in dancing after drizzle, and the scale-like clouds in the sky” in Liu Yuxi’s poem To Yang Ba’s Chouzhou must have enlivened the mountains and rivers with picturesque images of Huainan.

In the Xia and Shang dynasties, the ancient Huaiyi people established a Zhoulai State which gave rise to the Huaiyi culture. The historical notables fostered there include Sun Shuao, Liu An, Sun Jianan, to name only a few. Presently the city is the pronoun for the important industrial city of Anhui, the new energy base in China and an industrial “granary" in East China. Huainan, a prominent place formerly known as the “thoroughfare in Zhongzhou and stronghold facing the south” in the ancient times is displaying its unique charm to the outside world.


Unforgettable history in which Cai and Chu once shared the land



Gate Tower of the ancient Shouxian city wall

悠久的歷史孕育了厚重的文化,芍陂 (quèbēi)(安豐塘)水利工程澤被今世,比著名的都江堰水利工程早300年之久;鴻篇鉅製《淮南子》被胡適稱作“絕代奇書”,是中國成語典故的寶庫;壽州古城是蔡楚王都,也是全國唯一保存完好的宋城;城中的報恩禪寺起於盛唐,為“千年古剎”;壽州孔廟規制完整,保存完好;壽州清真寺經明清兩代修築,規模宏大,為“華東第一清真大寺”; 獨具特色的豆腐文化令淮南名揚四海;古壽州窯遺址、大通“萬人坑”教育館是國家級重點文物保護單位,古生物化石“淮南蟲”,古戰場、茅仙古洞、正陽關、隱賢古鎮、瓦埠古鎮、九龍崗民國小鎮以及花鼓燈、推劇等馳名中外。



Barbican entrance of the ancient Shouxian city wall





The summit of Mt. Bagong

與都江堰、漳河渠、鄭國渠並稱為“中國古代四大水利工程”的安豐塘,位於今壽縣中部地區,是淮河流域古今重要的水利工程。安豐塘古稱芍陂,公元前597- 公元前591年,由春秋時期楚國丞相孫叔敖所建,千百年來,在灌溉、航運、屯田、濟軍等方面,起過重大作用。1988年,國務院公佈安豐塘為全國重點文物保護單位。2015年10月,安豐塘成為安徽省首個世界灌溉工程遺產。古時候被譽為“天下第一塘”的安豐塘,如今也有了“淮河流域水利之冠”、“江北第一水利”的美稱。



The Quebei water conservancy project




A pottery handicraftsman of Shouxian

A long history has bred a rich culture: the ancient Quebei Irrigation Project still provides benefits to the people to this day; Huainanzi is the source of idioms and allusions, and the ancient capital city of the Cai and Chu states is the only well-preserved Song city in China; Shouzhou Confucian Temple is still well-preserved, Baoen Temple remains a millennium one, and Shouzhou Mosque the largest in East China; Tofu invented there is famous all over the world, and the ancient Shouzhou kiln site and the Datong Mass Grave Museum are key national historical relic sites. Other things also known to the world include the “Huainan worm” fossil, the battlefield of the Feisui Campaign, Maoxian Cave, Zhengyang Pass, ancient Yinxian Town and Wabu Town, the remains of Jiulong Town, as well as Flower-drum-lantern Dance, Tuiju Opera, and children's art performance.

More than 2,000 years ago, the “Huainan” Prince Liu An invited some celebrated scholars to compile a book called Huainanzi that turned out to be an unprecedented master piece, in which the 24 solar terms regarded as the fifth great invention ever to be compiled in China. Mt. Bagong, now a beautiful landscape of Huainan named after the collective salutation to the eight scholars, has been a frequently visited place ever since that time. Many poets and writers visited it, including Liu An, Li Bai, Su Shi, Ouyang Xiu, Liu Yuxi, Wu Jun and Wei Yingwu, and they have left quite a few acclaimed literature works to say the least.

At the summit of Mt. Bagong, the Huaihe River and the ancient city will come into view.



Scenery of Jiaogang Lake

Located in the central part of Shouxian County, Anfengtang is one of the four ancient major irrigation systems still functioning today. Since it was constructed from 597 and 591 BC under the leadership of Sun Shuao, prime minister of the Chu State, the project has played an important role in irrigation, shipping, reclamation and military provision supply. It was listed by the State Council as a key cultural relic site under national protection in 1988, and honored as an irrigation project in the World Heritage List. It is known now as the top water conservancy project in the Huaihe River basin and in the north of Anhui.

With a perimeter of 7,174 meters, the ancient city wall of Shouxian County is best preserved in China among the seven ancient city walls dating back to the Song Dynasty. The fierce and dreadful Feishui Campaign between the Former Qin and Eastern Jin was fought there in 383 A.D.


The delicacy of tofu is a must to enjoy when touring Huainan



A senior craftsman engaged in making tofu





Enticing and mouth-watering beef soup





Alluring and delicious tofu feast

Huainan is rich in tourism resources: the Huaihe River passes through the city, Mt. Shungeng traverses from the east to the west, the scenery of Mt. Shangyao and Gaotang Lake integrates, and the ancient Shouzhou City, Mt. Bagong, Jiaogang Lake and Wabu Lake enhance each other amazingly. The waters in the mining subsidence areas are the unique natural resources of the city.

Based on the unique scenery and cultural resources, Huainan has created or preserved some scenic areas like the ancient city seat, Mt. Bagong, and Jiaogang Lake. In the city, there are three national forest parks and five national AAAA tourist attractions. The city is active in building its T-shaped eco-cultural tourism corridors so as to make the city strong with cultural tourism.



A busy Huainan beef soup restaurant

For those unacquainted with the city, a trip to Huainan without a taste of the local beef soup and a bite of the various tofu delicacies is incomplete. Huainan is near mountains and by waters, and this is why you see much cattle and sheep. People of Hui ethnic group in Gugou have their own know-how in cooking beef, which is most delectable to the locals. The soup is thick and mellow, mildly spicy, rich in ingredients and rich in flavor.

Tofu first appeared in Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty. It reads “the making of tofu began with Liu An, the prince in Huainan”. Legend has it that more than 2,000 years ago when seeking for elixir for eternal life, Liu An tried alchemy with spring water, soybean and salt brine. Ultimately he failed, but inadvertently he invented the “Bagongshan Tofu”. Mt. Bagong boasts of many famous springs with clear and sweet water containing various minerals beneficial to humans. The secret ingredient to making fine, white, fresh and tender tofu simply lies in spring water.


Energy capital to further develop on big modern mines



City of Energy

從煤炭小鎮發展到今天的 “能源之都”,得益於淮南優渥的自然資源。淮南打優煤電資源牌,截至2018年1月,依法關閉15對小煤礦,全面迎來現代化大礦井時代。累計生產原煤3.9億噸、發電量2857億千瓦時。光伏發電在建裝機規模480兆瓦,併網裝機容量1000兆瓦。加快產業結構優化,緊扣“四張資源牌”,淮南市轉型的步伐愈發堅定。




Shijiahu photovoltaic project

The development of Huainan from a small coal town to today's energy capital benefits a lot from the natural resources. The city now strives to optimize the utilization of its coal and power generation resources. By the end of January 2018, it had closed 15 pairs of small coal mines according to law. Accumulatively, it has produced 390 million tons of coal and generated 285.7 billion kwh of electricity. The capacity of the photovoltaic power generation facility installed is 480 MW, and the grid-connected installed capacity is 1,000 MW.

In recent years,to make the city a nationwide role model in utilizing mining subsidence areas, Huainan explores ways to turn the areas for ecological, development or tourism uses. It has built an industrial zone producing products for the aged and tries to make the city a livable place. By adhering to the policy in favor of resource conservation and cyclic economy, it has strengthened industrial development in the related fields. The city aims to utilize the coal-mine associated resource and turn it into a 10-billion yuan industry in the next three or five years.


A livable city featuring a convenient traffic system



Longhu Park




Intersection of Expressway




The magnificent and enchanting Huaihe River

In Huainan, what you see is the street-side green trees and the blue sky. Thanks to the excellent eco-environment, the city has been rated among the top 100 livable cities in China, and honored as a national greening model city and garden city. Mt. Bagong, Mt. Shangyao and Mt. Shungeng stand in the main urban area and the Huaihe River, Gaotang Lake and Wabu Lake around the city. Located in the center of the city and with excellent vegetation, Mt. Shungeng is the lung of the city and a resort for local residents.


T2 高鐵線

T2 high-speed railway

A livable city must have traffic convenience and the transport system around Huainan has developed very fast. The Jingfu and Shanghehang high-speed rail lines pass through the city and Hefei International Xinqiao Airport is adjacent to the city. Hehuaifu and Jiqi expressways cross in the city and Huaibeng expressway leads the city into the Bengbu traffic hub. Jingfu and Hushaan expressways are well connected with the traffic network of the city. With the connection of Hehuaifu railway to Jinghu and Jingjiu high-speed rails, the rail transport system can lead you to everywhere in the country. The Huaihe River traverses the urban area and the 3,000-ton rated Huainan Port and the Jianghuai canal are currently under construction.







實習生:文藝璇 卞潘峰


譯審:Michelle Ncube (加拿大)


投稿郵箱:[email protected]



