歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞

歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞


歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞

黃平學 男, 漢族,1953年3月生,陝西紫陽縣人。系北宋大書法家黃庭堅的後裔。曽兼任中國書法研究協會副主席,中國炎黃畫院院士,北京金石畫館副館長,陝西省書協會員.榮獲“十大名家” 和“亞州藝壇界風雲人物” 稱號。

他的作品獲國家文化部第七屆中國文化藝朮政府文華獎“最隹創作獎”, 國際書畫名家作品邀請展“和平萬歲金獎”, 中央數字電視臺書畫頻道第二屆書畫作品展“特等獎”, 美國金鵝獎“銅獎”等獎勵達32次。在美國、日本、韓國、新加坡、菲律賓展出。有37幅作品收錄到《中國書畫名家墨跡博覽》等46部書法典集中。部份作品被國家、省、市博物館收藏。並在《中國文藝家》《藝術主流》《中國國際新聞》《中國金融》《當代陝西》《金石畫館報》等報刊雜誌發表。與中國著名書法家沈鵬、歐陽中石、張海、李鐸、權希軍等老一輩書法藝術家同載《中華書畫家》、《中國書法名家作品集》等書籍。個人出版有《黃平學書法集》《黃平學書法作品精選》,由中國著名書法家沈鵬老師題寫《黃平學書法作品集》。

歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞


Huangpingxue, Han nationality, born in March 1953, was from Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province. It is the descendant of Huang Tingjian, the great calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty. He is also the vice chairman of the China Calligraphy Research Association, a member of the Chinese Yanhuang Painting Academy, a deputy director of the Beijing Golden Stone Painting Museum, and a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Calligraphy Association. He has won the title of "Top Ten Masters" and "Yazhou Arts and Arts".

歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞


His works won the "Best Creation Award" of the 7th Chinese Culture and Art Government Wenhua Award of the Ministry of Culture, the "Long Live Peace Gold Award" of the International Painting and Calligraphy Famous Works, and the second painting and calligraphy exhibition of the Central Digital TV Channel. "Special Award", The United States Golden Goose Award "Bronze Award" and other awards reached 32 times. It is exhibited in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and the Philippines. There are 37 works included in & lt; Chinese Seventy Years Art Illustration & GT; There are 46 books and codes such as the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Famous Ink Expo." Some of the works are collected by national, provincial and municipal museums. He was published in newspapers and magazines such as "Chinese Literature and Art", "Art Mainstream", "China International News", "China Finance", "Contemporary Shaanxi", "Golden Stone Museum" and so on. Along with famous Chinese calligraphers such as Shenpeng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Zhang Hai, Liduo, and Quanxijun, the older generation of calligraphy artists included books such as "Chinese Painters" and "Collection of Chinese Calligraphy Masters". Individual publications include "Huangpingxue's Calligraphy Collection" and "Selected Works of Huangpingxue's Calligraphy Works". The famous Chinese calligrapher Shenpeng wrote "Huangpingxue's Calligraphy Collection".

歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞


歐陽中石 黃平學——中國書畫兩大家作品鑑賞


