SU QINGYI Keeping China’s WTO Commitments Clear

Other reasons for this country refusing to admit China’s WTO compliance can be found in its reports issued by its trade representative office. It believes that China’s operation system hasn’t been market-oriented enough, and WTO rules cannot constrain China’s twisted market behavior. It argues this harms this member’s interests and causes losses to its domestic manufacturers, farmers, service enterprises, innovators, workers and consumers. This WTO member believes that although much of China’s “improper” behavior can be managed by WTO rules, substantial loopholes exist to circumvent WTO direct supervision that were omissions from China’s WTO accession promises. The country vows to take any necessary measures to “correct” China and make China yield. It believes that only by doing so will China become a responsible WTO member.

China should take active measures to clearly exhibit how it has fulfilled its WTO commitments. China should also become more aware of the challenges it will face in future development. It should inspire more WTO members realize that this specific member’s reports on China’s WTO compliance are inaccurate and biased.

(本文来源于“China Pictorial”2018年7月11日。)


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