113-3 听老友记练口语 Joey keep an eye on his father

[Scene: The Hallway, Chandler and Joey are just leaving Monica and Rachel's.]

113-3 听老友记练口语 Joey keep an eye on his father

Joey: Night, you guys. 晚安,各位

(They notice that a woman is sitting by their door)

Chandler: Oh look, it's the woman we ordered. 这是我们订的女人

Joey: Hey. Can, uh, can we help you?

Ronni: Oh, no thanks, I'm just waiting for, uh, Joey Tribbiani. 不用,谢谢,我在等乔依

Joey: I'm Joey Tribbiani.

Ronni: Oh no, not you, big Joey. Oh my God, you're so much cuter than your pictures! (Joey stares at her) I-I'm, I'm Ronni....Cheese Nip? 不是你,是老乔依天啊,你此照片上帅多了

我是罗妮 想吃起司块(夹子)吗?

Chandler: Uh, Joey's having an embolism, but I'd go for a Nip, y'know? 乔伊有“栓子”


Commercial Break

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ronni is talking to Chandler. Joey's dad is not around.]

Ronni: Now, y'see, most people, when their pets pass on, they want 'em sorta laid out like they're sleeping. But occasionally you get your person who wants them in a pose. Like, chasing their tail, (Demonstrates) or, uh, jumping to catch a frisbee

. 大部份人在宠物过世后 希望它们就像长眠一样 但有些人要他们摆出姿势 像追自己的尾巴 跳起接住飞盘

Chandler: Joey, if I go first, I wanna be looking for my keys. 乔伊,如果我先走 我的姿势要像找钥匙一样

Ronni: That's a good one! 这姿势不错 乔伊

(Joey's dad enters.)

Mr. Tribbiani: Hey, Joe.

Joey: Dad, Ronni's here. 罗妮来了

Mr. Tribbiani: Huh?

Ronni: Hi.

113-3 听老友记练口语 Joey keep an eye on his father

Mr. Tribbiani: Hey! Hello, babe! Wh what're what're you doing here? 你来干什么?

Ronni: Oh, uh, well, you left your good hair at my apartment, I figured you'd need it tomorrow for your meeting. (Hands him the hair) 你的假发留在我的住处 我想你明天用得上

Mr. Tribbiani: Thank you. Uh...

Chandler: So, who's up for a big game of Kerplunk? 谁想玩“科普朗克”?

Ronni: Look, I uh, I shouldn'ta come. I-I'd better get going, I don't wanna miss the last train. 我不该来这儿 我该走了 我不想错过最后一班地铁

Mr. Tribbiani: I don't want you taking that thing. 不,我不要你坐这么晚的车

Ronni: Oh, where'm I gonna stay, here? 我要住哪儿?这里?

Joey: Who-ah-ho.

Mr. Tribbiani: We'll go to a hotel. 我们去住饭店

Ronni: (Shrugs) We'll go to a hotel.

Joey: No you won't. 不行 不行

Ronni: No we won't.

Joey: If you go to a hotel you'll be...doing stuff. I want you right here where I can keep an eye on you. 你们去饭店就一定会办事 我要你们待在这儿 这样我就可以监视

Mr. Tribbiani: You're gonna keep an eye on us? 你要监视我们?

Joey: That's right, mister, and I don't care how old you are, as long as you're under my roof you're gonna live by my rules. And that means no sleeping with your girlfriend. 没错,我不管你们多大

只要住在我家 —切就得听我的 那就是不准你们睡在一起

Ronni: Wow. He's strict. 他好严格

Joey: Now dad, you'll be in my room, Ronni uh, you can stay in Chandler's room. 爸,你睡我房间


Ronni: Thanks. You're, uh, you're a good kid. 谢谢 你真是个好孩子

Chandler: C'mon, I'll show you to my room. ...That sounds so weird when it's not followed by "No thanks, it's late." 来,我带你去看我房间 感觉真奇怪 你没说“不,谢了,时候不早了”

Joey: Okay. Now this is just for tonight. Starting tomorrow, you gotta make a change. This has gone on long enough. 只有今晚 明天你们就得做出改变 6年已经够久了

Mr. Tribbiani: What kinda change? 什么改变?

Joey: Well, either you break it off with Ronni不是和她分手就是…

Mr. Tribbiani: I can't do that!

Joey: Then you gotta come clean with Ma! This is not right! 不然就是向妈自首 这样是不对的

Mr. Tribbiani: Yeah, but this is

Joey: I don't wanna hear it! Now go to my room! 我不想听 快进我房里

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, night. Chandler and Joey are sharing the sofabed in the living room. Joey is restless.]

113-3 听老友记练口语 Joey keep an eye on his father

Chandler: Hey, Kicky. What're you doing?

Joey: Just trying to get comfortable. I can't sleep in my underwear. 找寻舒适的位置 穿着内裤我睡不着

Chandler: Well, you're gonna. 你非穿不可

Joey: I've been thinking. Y'know, about how I'm always seeing girls on top of girls... 我一直在想… 我总是看见女人叠在女人上面

Chandler: Are they end to end, or tall like pancakes? 她们是首尾相接 或是像煎饼一样高?

Joey: Y'know what I mean, about how I'm always going out with all these women. And I always figured, when the right one comes along, I'd be able to be a stand-up guy and go the distance, y'know? Now I'm looking at my dad, thinking... 懂我意思吗? 我总想像自己和这些女人约会 因为我总想梦中情人出现时 我就会勇往直前坚持到最后 但如今看见我爸…

Chandler: Hey, you're not him. You're you. When they were all over you to go into your father's pipe-fitting business, did you cave? 你不是他,你是你自己 当全天下都希望你继承你爸的事业时




Chandler: No. You decided to go into the out-of-work actor business. Now that wasn't easy, but you did it! And I'd like to believe that when the right woman comes along, you will have the courage and the guts to say "No thanks, I'm married." 你决心当个演员 这不是一件容易的事 但你办到了 我也相信梦中情人出现时 你会有勇气对她说“抱歉,我已婚”

Joey: You really think so? 你真的这样认为?

Chandler: Yeah. I really do. 真的

Joey: Thanks, Chandler. (Snuggles up to him依偎着他)

Chandler: Get off! 滚开

