
Chapter 15 -

When the ladies returned to the drawing-room, there was little to be done but to hear Lady Catherine talk, which she did without stopping.

She gave her opinion on every subject in such a definite(確切的) manner, that she was obviously not used to having her judgment challenged.

“Your father’s estate(財產) is to be inherited(繼承) by Mr. Collins, I think,” said Lady Catherine.

“For your sake(因為),” turning to Charlotte,

“I am glad for it, but otherwise I see no reason why a woman cannot inherit(繼承) estates(財產).

It was not thought necessary in Sir Lewis de Bourgh’s family to limit inheritance(繼承) so.

Do you play music and sing, Miss Bennet?”

“A little.”

“Oh! Well, some time or another we will be happy to hear you.

Our instrument is a splendid one, probably superior to—You may try it someday(有朝一日).

Do your sisters play and sing?”

“One of them does.”

“Why did you not all learn? You ought to all have learned.

Do you draw?”

“No, not at all.”

“What, none of you?”

“Not one.”

“That is very strange.

But I suppose you had no opportunity.

Your mother should have taken you to town every spring to learn from drawing instructors.”

“My mother would have made no complaint(抱怨), but my father hates London.”

“Are any of your younger sisters out, Miss Bennet?”

“Yes, ma’am, all.”

“All! What, all five out at once?

Very odd(奇怪的)! The younger ones out before the elder ones are married!

Your younger sisters must be very young?”

“Yes, my youngest is not yet sixteen.

Perhaps she is too young to be very interesting in polite company.

But really, ma’am, I think it would be very hard for my younger sisters to not have their share of society and amusement(娛樂),

especially if their elder sisters may not want or be able to marry early.”

“My goodness,” said her ladyship(夫人), “you speak your opinion very openly for so young a person.

Tell me, what is your age?”

“With three younger sisters already grown up,” replied Elizabeth, smiling,

“your ladyship(夫人) can hardly expect me to admit it.”

“You cannot be more than twenty, I am sure.

Therefore, you need not conceal(掩飾) your age.”

“I am not yet twenty-one.”

The party then gathered round the fire to hear Lady Catherine determine what weather they were to have the next day.

They were then summoned(召喚) away by the arrival of the coach, and departed(離開).

Sir William stayed only a week at Mr. Collins’s house, but his visit was long enough to convince(使確信) him that his daughter was comfortably settled.

The first two weeks of Elizabeth’s visit passed quietly.

On most days, Mr. Collins and his wife would walk to Rosings to visit Lady Catherine de Bourgh.

Occasionally Lady Catherine would also visit them, look at their work and advise them to do it differently,

then go on to criticize(批評) the arrangement of the furniture, the way the house was cleaned, and even what they had to eat.

The week before Easter was to bring another member of the family to Rosings.

Elizabeth had heard soon after her arrival that Mr. Darcy was expected there in a few weeks.

Even though he was very far from being a favorite of hers, his arrival would at least provide someone new for their Rosings parties.

His arrival was soon heard of at Mr. Collins’s house, and the following morning Mr. Collins hurried to Rosings to welcome the gentleman.

Mr. Darcy had brought with him a man named Colonel Fitzwilliam, who was the younger son of his uncle.

To the great surprise of everyone, when Mr. Collins returned he brought these two gentlemen with him.

Charlotte had seen them from her husband’s room, and immediately ran to tell the girls what an honor they might expect, adding:

“I should thank you, Eliza, for this visit.

Mr. Darcy would never have come so soon just to visit me.”

Elizabeth barely(幾乎沒有) had time to deny(否認) the compliment(讚美), before the doorbell(門鈴) announced the gentlemen’s arrival.

Colonel Fitzwilliam, who led the way, was about thirty.

He was not handsome, but he was most truly a gentleman in speech and appearance.

Mr. Darcy looked just as he had looked at Netherfield, and whatever his feelings(感受) might be toward Elizabeth, he greeted her with every appearance of calm.

Elizabeth curtseyed(行禮) to him without saying a word.

Colonel Fitzwilliam spoke with the readiness and ease of a well-mannered man, and talked very pleasantly.

His cousin, however, sat for some time without speaking to anybody.

Eventually the rules of polite behavior forced him to ask Elizabeth about the health of her family.

She answered him in the usual way, and after a moment’s pause, added:

“My elder sister has been in town for three months.

Have you never happened to see her there?”

She was perfectly aware that he never had, but she wished to see whether he would show any knowledge of what had passed between the Bingleys and Jane.

She thought he looked a little confused(困惑的) as he answered that he had not had the good fortune to meet Miss Bennet.

She asked no more on the subject, and the gentlemen soon afterward(之後) went away.

