雙語閱讀:The Pleasures of Ignorance(含MP3錄音)



It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average townsman-especially, perhaps, in April or May-without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance. It is impossible to take a walk in the country oneself without being amazed at the vast continent of one's own ignorance.Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference between a beech and an elm, between the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird. Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush's and a blackbird's song is the exception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticed them. We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo.

雙語閱讀:The Pleasures of Ignorance(含MP3錄音)


This ignorance, however, is not altogether miserable. Out of it we get the constant pleasure of discovery. Every fact of nature comes to us each spring, if only we are sufficiently ignorant, with the dew still on it. If we have lived half a lifetime without having ever even seen a cuckoo, and know it only as a wandering voice, we are all the more delighted at the spectacle of its runaway flight as it hurries from wood to wood conscious of its crimes, and at the way in which it halts hawk-like in the wind, its long tail quivering, before it dares descend on a hill-side of fir-trees where avenging presences may lurk.

雙語閱讀:The Pleasures of Ignorance(含MP3錄音)


It would be absurd to pretend that the naturalist does not also find pleasure in observing the life of the birds, but his is a steady pleasure, almost a sober and plodding occupation, compared to the morning enthusiasm of the man who sees a cuckoo for the first time. And, as to that, the happiness even of the naturalist depends in some measure upon his ignorance, which still leaves him new worlds of this kind to conquer. He may have reached the very Z of knowledge in the books, but he still feels half ignorant until he has confirmed each bright particular with his eyes. Assuredly the men of science have no reason as yet to weep over their lost ignorance. There will always be a fortune of ignorance waiting for them under every fact they turn up.

雙語閱讀:The Pleasures of Ignorance(含MP3錄音)

如果博物學家在觀察鳥類的生活時發現不到樂趣,那是荒謬可笑的。和清晨有人第一次看到布穀鳥的興奮相比,博物學家的快樂是穩固的,他們的工作是嚴肅而漫長的。為此,甚至是博物學家的幸福在某種程度上也取決他的無知,無知給他留下這類新天地讓他去征服。他的書本知識可能已經達到了頂峰,但是,在他親眼證實每一個光輝的細節之前, 他仍然感到自己是半無知的,無疑,科學家們迄今沒有理由為他們錯過的無知而哭泣。在他們發掘出的每一個事實下面總將會有一筆無知的財富在等待著他們。

But your and my ignorance is not confined to cuckoos. It dabbles in all created things, from the sun and moon down to the names of the flowers, including nearly everything you and I have taken for granted. One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge. The great pleasure of ignorance is, after all, the pleasure of asking questions. The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure of dogma, which is the pleasure of answering, is already beginning to stiffen. Do not forget that Socrates. was famed for wisdom not because he was omniscient but because he realised at the age of seventy that he still knew nothing. Once more I shall see the world as a garden through the eyes of a stranger, my breath taken away with surprise by the painted fields.

雙語閱讀:The Pleasures of Ignorance(含MP3錄音)

但是,你我的無知絕不僅僅侷限於布穀鳥,它涉及世間萬物,上到太陽和月亮,下到百花的名稱,幾乎包括所有你我認為是理所當然的事物。人類感受過的最大的快樂之一就是迅速逃到無知中去追求知識。無知的巨大樂趣,歸根結底,是提問的樂趣。已經失去了這種快樂的人,或已經用這種快樂去換取教條的樂趣(即回答問題的樂趣)的人,已經開始僵化。不要忘記蘇格拉底之所以以其智慧聞名於世,並不是因為他無所不知而是因為他在70歲的時候認識到他還什麼都不知道. 而我將再一次用陌生人的眼光來審視這個花園一樣的世界,每當我看到那如畫的田野,我都將驚歎不已。

雙語閱讀:The Pleasures of Ignorance(含MP3錄音)


1. thousands of 許多,無數;數以千計的……,成千上萬的……

The game drew thousands of spectators.


2. distinguish between 區別;分辨

It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong.


3. be surrounded by 被包圍

Schools should be surrounded by a pure and healthy environment.


4. compared to 與…相比

That had been a placid pastime compared to his condition now.


5. in search of 尋找;搜尋

He glanced about as if he was in search of something.




