Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!


“Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!” In Foshan, on every 15th and 16th day of the first lunar month, many people will cross Tongji Bridge from north to south with pinwheels, bells and lettuce to wish for a smooth year. This tradition that has lasted for more than 200 years can date back to the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty.

Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!


March 2nd, about 100 Chinese and foreign guests came to Foshan and attended the annual cultural event “Crossing Tongji Bridge”, feeling the long-standing Lingnan cultural charm of Foshan. In the crowd, holding pinwheels that means good luck and lettuce that implies“making money”, Chinese and foreign guests formed a group and cheered out the slogan “crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away”, enjoying a special folk cultural feast and witnessing the development of Foshan, a famous historical and cultural city in China.

Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!
Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!

Lee Parker是來自倫敦的企業家,在東莞經營著一家工廠。這是他第五次來佛山參加行通濟活動,他對佛山這座城市十分感興趣。他覺得這種人山人海的氣氛,能夠體現出佛山人的團結和熱情。

Lee Parker is an entrepreneur from London who runs a factory in Dongguan. This was the fifth time for him to cross Tongji Bridge and he was particularly keen on this city. After taking part in the event for 5 years consecutively, Lee Parker was most impressed by the atmosphere that reflects the unity and enthusiasm of Foshan people.

Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!

“佛山文化範兒十足!”第二次來到佛山的Britcher夫婦來自英國的夫婦說到,“我們參觀了佛山的景點,比如祖廟,感覺太棒了!佛山人很友好, 文化氛圍十分濃郁。” 一年半前,他們曾來佛山觀看足球比賽,學習做餃子,感受濃濃的嶺南文化韻味。

“Foshan has a cultural flair!” Mr. and Mrs. Britcher are a couple who have come to Foshan for the second time. "We visited some places in Foshan, such as the Ancestral Temple, and it was amazing! The people here are friendly and the atmosphere is terrific." About one year and a half ago, they came to Foshan to watch football matches and learn how to make dumplings, experiencing special Lingnan culture.

Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!


“Crossing Tongji Bridge feels good!” Sandra from Lebanon said. She said she would like to come here next year with her friends.

Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!
Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!


In Guangdong Foshan, this tradition is infused with new connotations and the warmth of charity. In the morning of March 2, “ Foshan in Warm Love, Charitable Cultural Parade" series of activities were held. The bustling scene made Tongji Bridge turn into a sea of love and joy.

Crossing Tongji Bridge, troubles go away!


With its unique charm, Crossing Tongji Bridge, a folk cultural activity in which the whole city participates, has not only attracted more and more Chinese and foreign friends to experience Foshan's unique Lingnan culture, but also sent Foshan culture to other places, which will polish the brand of Foshan's traditional culture and build a bridge of friendship.

來源 |佛山新聞網

