Gabriela Gonzalez:引力密探(Gravity spy)
Gabriela Gonzalez協助一千多位科學家驗證了探測器檢測的信號正是愛因斯坦
曾預言的時空漣漪--引力波。A physicist helped to catch the first direct signs of long-sought gravitational waves.(By Davide Castelvecchi)
“It has always been a fun ride. And now it’s even better.”
Demis Hassabis:思維創客(Mind crafter)
Demis Hassabis,資深棋手,同時也是DeepMind的聯合創始人,帶領團隊創造的AlphaGo程序戰勝頂尖棋手李世乭,標誌著AI領域的巨大勝利。
An AI developer beat one of the best at Go. Next up, solve global problems.(By Elizabeth Gibney)
“It's a very important mission that we're on, and I think it's worth the sacrifice.”
Terry Huges:珊瑚哨兵(Reef sentinel)
Terry Huges,澳大利亞研究理事會(ARC)珊瑚礁研究卓越中心的主管,研究出大堡礁珊瑚白化事件的根本原因是全球氣候變化。
A coral researcher sounded the alarm over massive bleaching at the Great Barrier Reef.(By Daniel Cressey)
“The message to people should be we've got a closing window of opportunity to deal with climate change.”
Guus Velders:製冷劑(Cooling agent)
Guus Velders,大氣化學家,通過模型計算氫氟烴排放與氣候變化的量化關係,推動各國達成全球協議,對抗全球變暖。
An atmospheric chemist laid the foundation for an international climate agreement. (By Jeff Tollefson)
Celina M. Turchi:寨卡偵探(Zika detective)
Celina M. Turchi ,在寨卡病毒席捲全球的恐慌中,仍抗戰在巴西東北部的疫情前線,試圖解開醫學謎團。
A physician raced to make sense of a medical mystery in northeast Brazil. (By Declan Butler)
Alexandra Elbakyan:論文海盜(Paper pirate)
The founder of an illegal hub for paywalled papers has attracted litigation and acclaim. (By Richard Van Noorden)
張進:生殖學“反叛者”( Fertility rebel)
A physician jump-started debate over a controversial IVF procedure.(By Sara Reardon)
“Five to ten years from today, people will look at it and say, ‘Why were we all so stupid, why were we against it?’ I think you have to show the benefit to mankind.”
Kevin Esvelt:CPISPR警示者( CRISPR cautionary)
A budding biologist put gene-drive ethics before experiments.(By Heidi Ledford)
Guillem Anglada-Escudé:行星獵人(Planet hunter)
Guillem Anglada-Escudé 發現並命名一顆地球大小的繞半人馬座比鄰星運行的行星為比鄰星b,在迄今為止確認的3500多顆系外行星中距離地球最近,而且還可能存在外星生命。
An astronomer detected the nearest known planet outside the Solar System. (By Alexandra Witze)
Elena Long多元化的開拓者(Diversity trailblazer)
Elena Long,一名跨性別的核物理學家,致力於為物理學領域性少數群體爭取更多的權益,並通過設計開展一系列調研,用數據記錄LGBT群體物理學家的經歷,成立了支持小組,推動美國物理學會擴大對LGBT群體的認知。
A transgender physicist paved the way for greater acceptance of minority groups.(By Elizabeth Gibney)
“I'm sure there are other people facing problems in the field I never thought about. I don't want them to wait seven years to get to a place where they can have a voice.
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