


Ten days after a 20-year-old passenger was raped and murdered by a driver, Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing has announced that it would suspend some late night services including taxi and ride-hailing operations between September 8-15 as an attempt to enhance passenger safety.

But can this move really repair its negative image is still not certain.

Didi acquired its rival Uber China in 2016 after Uber a US ride-hailing company failed to capture the Chinese market. Uber now is battling for its survival in other parts of the world, the company is being highly criticized for its casual approach towards passenger safety amidst a series of assault, rape and murder cases against its drivers in the last four years.

2016年, Uber收到了公司成立六年以来最大的一笔罚单-2850万美元。2015年,如日中天的Uber被旧金山和洛杉矶十几万的用户以集体诉讼的名义告上了法庭,指Uber涉嫌虚假宣传并误导乘客。

In 2016, Uber agreed to pay about 28.5 million US dollars in‘safe-ride fee’suit. In 2015, prosecutors in California filed a lawsuit against Uber, citing what the company had said in its advertising is not lawful, including “overcharging users and misleading them about its security standards".


Since 2014 Uber had been charging its US customers 1-2.5 US dollars per ride as a "safe-ride fee" in return for background checks and 24\7 customer support service, it was later revealed that the company had never even fingerprinted its drivers.


In the year that followed, series of incidents related to sexual assault, harassment in several countries triggered mass protests against Uber.


Since 2016, the ride-sharing company has paid millions of dollars in legal settlements across the world, before being finally forced into tighten background checks for its drivers.

2016年2月,美国密西根州发生连环枪击案,Uber司机Jason Brian Dalton在5小时内发起3轮枪击,沿途扫射路人、售货员、儿童,导致6死2伤。在枪击间隙,达尔顿甚至还在接单拉乘客。事发后,Uber强调,达尔顿签约前通过了Uber的7年背景调查。

In 2016, a 45-year-old Uber driver, Jason Brian Dalton who had easily passed Uber’s background check, was detained for being involved in a shooting spree that killed six people in Michigan, US. Between shooting eight people at three locations, Dalton picked up and dropped off passengers by Uber.

The Michigan shootings has shocked the US in 2016.


The incident sparked off #DeleteUber campaign on Twitter that led to over 500,000 users reportedly deleting their accounts and down grading the app’s ratings on Apple store.

2017年6月,公司宣布创始人兼CEO Travis Kalanick辞职。

In face of pressure after months of scandals and stumbles, the founder and the CEO of Uber, Travis Kalanick, stepped down from the company.

The founder and the CEO of Uber, Travis Kalanick


In April 2018, Uber sparked off public outrage yet again after a woman in San Diego,US was raped by an Uber driver after she passed out in the cab on her ride back home.

53-year-old Uber driver John David Scanchez was later arrested, during a police search videos of rape or abuse were found at his residence. Sanchez was sentenced to 80 years in jail for the rape of the Uber passenger and 33 other counts.

According to a CNN investigation in March 2018, Sanchez was just one of the 103 Uber drivers in 20 states of the US who have been accused of sexually assaulting or abusing Uber passengers in the last four years.

Sadly, there’s no date publicly available on the exact number of sexual assault cases against drivers of ride-share companies like Uber.


In May, the company announced building a "safety center" within the app where riders can share their trip details to the designate riders during the trip. Also, Uber announced that the former US secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson would join the Uber's Safety Advisory board as chairman. The company has also invested in technology that can "identify new criminal offenders via public records or pending DUI charges as they happen", meaning that the background check will be further tightened.


Under a new policy introduced in June, Uber said it would allow US riders and drivers to "file allegations of rape, sexual assault and harassment in court and mediation instead of being locked into arbitration, a private process that often results in confidentiality agreements".


In the first year at Uber, the CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, has found many ways to reinforce the rider safety. At a press conference in New York on Wednesday, the CEO unveiled new safety features, such as a GPS-powered tool which can detect an unexpected stop. If a crash is suspected, Uber would help order another ride paid by Uber or help emergency services like 911.


During Dara’s speech at the press event, he expressed that he hopes Uber can be synonymous with safety in the future.

“The announcements are a reminder of how much the company has done in terms of rider security, and how far it has yet to go,” CNN said after the event.