13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door

When you finally have the chance to get a foot in the door of business then you probably need some English phrases and expressions to help you master the situation. So here are 13 business idioms.---當你終於有機會進入商界時,你可能需要一些英文短語和表達來幫助你掌控局面。這裡有13個商業習語供你學習。

1/ To get a foot in the door---進入某個行業

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


To enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future.---從一個企業或組織的基層做起,但有機會在未來走向成功。


Making contacts can help you get a foot in the door when it comes to getting a job.---在找工作時,建立聯繫可以幫助你邁出第一步。

2/ To have a slice of the pie---分一杯羹

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


To get part of the profit or benefit from something.---從某物中獲得利潤或一部分收益。


People see others getting pay raises and they want to have a slice of the pie.---人們看到別人加薪,就想分一杯羹。

3/ To have a finger in every pie---插手每一件事

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


To involved in and have influence over many different activities, often in a way that people do not approve of.---以人們不贊成的方式參與和影響許多不同的活動。


My fiance’s mother wants to have a finger in every pie. She’s ordering the food, choosing the flowers and now she even wants to tell me what dress to wear.---我未婚夫的母親想插手每一件事。她點了菜,選了花,現在她還想告訴我應該穿什麼衣服。

4/ To hold the fort---代理,代為掌控

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


To have responsibility for something while someone else is absent.---在別人不在時對某事負責。


I’m leaving my husband to hold the fort while I’m away.---當我不在的時候,我的丈夫會代理我的位置。

5/ Red tape---繁文縟節,官樣文章

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


Official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results.---一些看起來沒有必要的拖延了結果的官方規則和程序。


We must cut through the red tape.---我們必須簡化繁文縟節。

6/ To get the ball rolling---開始行動起來

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


To make something begin or happen.---使某事開始或發生。


We have to get the ball rolling on this project soon.---我們必須儘快開始這個項目。

7/ ...o’ clock sharp---整點

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


Exactly that time.---確切的時間。


Our meeting will start at 1 o’clock sharp.---我們的會議將在1點整開始。

8/ A ballpark figure---大約的數目

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


An approximate number, an estimate.---一個大概的數字,一個估算的數字。


Do you have a ballpark figure for the cost of the renovations?---你對裝修費用有個大概的估算嗎?

9/ In black and white---白紙黑字

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


In writing or in print, and regarded as more reliable, credible, or formal than by word of mouth.---書面的或印刷的,比口頭的更可靠、可信或更正式。


She’s getting her contract downing in black and white.---她的合同被白紙黑字寫下來了。

10/ To blow a deal---破壞交易,毀壞生意

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


To ruin a business deal with someone.---破壞與某人的生意。


We can’t afford to blow a deal with our new customer, it will be a great loss to our company.---我們不能搞砸和新客戶的生意,這對我們公司來說將是一筆巨大的損失。

11/ A cash cow---搖錢樹

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


A product or service that makes a lot of money over a long period of time for the company that sells it.---在很長一段時間內為公司賺了很多錢的產品或服務。


The studios discovered that movie rentals were an even bigger cash cow than movie tickets.---電影公司發現,電影租賃是比賣電影票更大的搖錢樹。

12/ Dog eat dog---殘酷無情的競爭

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


Used to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if what they do harms other people.---用來描述一種情況,在這種情況下,人們會做任何事情來獲得成功,即使他們所做的傷害了其他人也在所不惜。


It’s a dog eat dog world out there.---這是一個殘酷無情的世界。

13/ To be snowed under---忙得不可開交

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door


Having too much to do.---有太多事情要做。


I’m totally snowed under at school.---我在學校裡忙得不可開交。

13 Business Idioms Help You Get a Foot in the Door

Now that you know these business idioms, try to use them at work everyday and practice makes perfect.---現在你已經知道了這些商業習慣用語,試著每天在工作中使用它們,熟能生巧。

