

Mastering (精通)a skill may be easy, but doing well in many fields is quite a challenge. But Chinese pop star Wang Yibo is such a person.



Wang Yibo was born in Henan Province in 1997. This summer, the young man won more hearts for his performance in the web series The Untamed (《陳情令》). In the show, Wang plays a hero named Lan Wangji. Lan seems to be cold-hearted, but he is actually very kind and righteous (正直的). Just as an Internet user wrote, "Through Wang Yibo's outstanding performance, you can clearly feel what the hero really feels and put yourself into the role easily."


Though he achieved a lot in acting recently, Wang was best known for being a member of the Chinese-South Korean boy group UNIQ before. At the age of 14, he stood out in the National IBD Street Dance Competition and got the chance to be a trainee (練習生) in an entertainment (娛樂) company. Thanks to his hard work, Wang mastered many dancing styles. Then he sang with the boy group UNIQ and appeared in public for the first time in 2014.


stand out意為“突出;出色;脫穎而出”。

如:He played the violin, and he stood out from all the other musicians. 他演奏了小提琴,而且從其他所有樂師中脫穎而出。

