
Brandon Li, I have enough of an education to know how to use Google and the libraryChina never really made a whole hearted effort to modernize, mainly because of arrogance, corruption, and the fact that the ruling Manchus were a small minority within the country.During the First Opium War, the Qing government was already rotting from within. At this point, China could have still overwhelmed its Napoleonic era opposition. However, different local governors pretty much held their own armies and the British faced the weakest areas which were in the south. Instead of calling for help, local leaders lied to the central government to save face, leading to the emperor not even knowing about the war’s existence until it had been going on for over half a year.

Brandon Li,接受了足夠的教育懂得如何使用Google和


When the British and French returned in greater numbers later, this was more significant, but was still viewed as secondary to the Taiping Rebellion, which was raging through the Chinese heartland, killing millions. China’s only attempt to improve its military in the mid 19th century paid dividends though, in the form of the Ever Victorious Army, a small but elite force of European trained and led soldiers that was feared across the battlefield. It was disbanded after the Taiping Rebellion. Afterwards, it spent decades building up a stockpile of modern weapons. So China did actually try to modernize a bit and on the surface it was a formidable country by the end of the century, although this facade would come crashing down when China faced a newly emerged Japan.


In 1894, Japan and China went to war, and most Western observers predicted an easy victory for a Qing Empire that had spent the last 3 decades building up its military. It is only afterwards that people found out how much of a paper tiger Qing China was. The quality of its soldiers was terrible and its leadership matched. They had modern weapons, but none of the necessary modern ideas to achieve victory. As countless colonial wars earlier on had shown, especially in India where musket armed Europeans faced musket armed Indians, tactics and discipline were at least as important as equipment. Being that as it may, the Chinese didn’t exactly have stellar equipment either though. Although it had some of the most modern ships in the world for example, purchased from Germany, almost the entire budget to buy ammunition was embezzled, so poorly trained Chinese sailors had to resort to ramming after firing a few shots. And of course, all along the way, reactionary forces in the imperial court tried to limit modernization as much as possible. On the surface, none of this makes sense. No government would intentionally work to weaken itself and allow foreigners to run roughshod over it. But remember, the Qing were foreigners in China as resented as such. Modernizing the military would mean arming and training hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese people who hated them. Doing such a thing could very well lead to the overthrow of the Manchus. So, of course, when the Qing finally built a modern army, it did overthrow them in the form of Yuan Shikai and his Beiyang Army.


Meanwhile, Japan did not have this ethnic conflict at play and could clearly see how behind it was. Its first military confrontation with the West in centuries was absolutely embarrassing, with the United States Navy simply steaming in and dictating terms. The Japanese knew what was at stake. It also helped that they were more willing to completely transform their nation and its institutions, not just buy a few weapons because weapons are only as good as the men who use them. As for Russia, that country was always in the loop with European technological advances. When it fell behind, it only fell behind as much as any other European country, like Italy or Austria-Hungary. The difference wasn’t vast.*Matchlocks required gunners to hold a match or other flame source in order to manually ignite the powder in their weapons. This system was rather unreliable as can be imagined and was replaced with flintlocks in the early 1700’s. By the time of the Opium Wars, the West was already phasing out flintlocks too for an even more advanced musket mechanism, the caplock. This puts the most advanced Chinese soldiers at the time two generations between the Europeans. Even then, most soldiers didn’t even have these outdated guns and used swords and spears instead.


Jason Li, lived in ChinaFor the period in question, China was ruled by Manchus in the Qing dynasty.The Qing court didn't want to create a modern standing army of Han Chinese, for they fear they'd be overthrown. They were right, for they were overthrown by the first modern army they created led by Yuan Shikai.They couldn't create a modern army of Manchus, because they were few in number, and it goes against the explicit edict of the mighty Qianlong emperor, who conquered musket-armed Dzungars with an army of horse-riding archers. In the Qing political system, words of dead emperors are important, if not sacrosanct.Both conundrums can be solved by political reform, but the reform itself carries political risks that could also easily remove them from power. I found this to be the most convincing explanation for much of the marches of folly we observe in history books.

Jason Li,住在中國中國當時處於滿族人掌權的清朝。清廷不想建立一支由漢族人掌控的現代化軍隊,因為他們擔心被推翻。他們是對的,因為接下來袁世凱率領的中國第一支現代化軍隊就把清朝推翻了。他們也無法建立一支現代化的滿族軍隊,因為滿族人數量不多,而且這樣違背了乾隆皇帝“騎射為我朝根本,一切技藝尤賴熟悉”的諭旨。乾隆曾以他的騎射軍隊打敗了裝備火繩槍的準格爾部。在清朝政治中,先帝留下的諭旨神聖而不可違背。這兩個問題都可以通過政治改革來解決,但是改革的風險很大,可能會把滿族人趕下臺。我認為,這是對於我們在歷史書中所看到的,對清朝的那些愚蠢行徑最合理的解釋。

Ronald Hanson, A Chinese with a patriotic foreign mind; Deep interest in China's everything.I think you are talking about the Qing Dynasty. The reasons are manyfold.First, also the most fundamental, the political system then was outdated, which hinders the industrial development. Corruption was widespread in the government. They didn’t have the expertise to manage or encourage industrial development.Second, China had long been implementing the policy of “closing the border”, very few people really know much about he industrila revolution happending in the west. Though later the government spent huge money on purchasing almost the most advanced weapons and equipment from western countries, they didn’t know how to use them to fight a war. These equipments were only trained for performance.Third, the feudal system put great oppression on the farmers, that accounted for overwhelming majority of the Chinese populaiton then. Revolts were often and almost all of them were brutally oppressed, so the government could not focus on the external threats.China has had too many lessons from history. That’s why she is trying her best not to repeat any one of them.

Ronald Hanson,具有外國思維的中國人,對中國的一切都深深著迷我想你是在說清朝。原因很多。第一,也是最根本的,清朝的政治制度已經過時了,阻礙了工業的發展。政府普遍存在腐敗現象,他們沒有管理或鼓勵工業發展的專業知識。第二,中國長期執行“閉關鎖國”政策,很少有人真正瞭解西方發生的工業革命。雖然後來政府花費巨資購買了西方國家最先進的武器裝備,但不知道如何使用它們來作戰。第三,封建制度對佔當時中國人口絕大多數的農民造成了極大的壓迫。起義頻發,而且都受到殘酷的鎮壓,所以政府不能集中精力處理外部威脅。中國從歷史中學到了太多教訓,這就是為什麼她盡全力不重蹈覆轍。

Pieter BuisGive a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.Short term military upgrading can be helpful but in the long run the economy of a state matters more. They could buy modern weapons and to a degree they adapted modern tactics but all that was going to be outdated in another few decades, the only option being to buy new weapons from other countries again.By the time of the First Opium war the Chinese economy had essentially been stagnant for over three hundred years if not more, meanwhile the population boomed leading to mass poverty. While their economy didn’t decline there was no real incentive to modernize either. Investing in fixed assets to improve labor productivity was unnecessary because it was cheaper and more profitable to just hire more manual labor.A few European countries and Japan experienced a rather natural industrial revolution with minimal loss of human lives. A country like China only industrialized when it was forced to do so despite food shortages and whatnot.

Pieter Buis授人以魚不如授人以漁。短期的軍事升級可能會暫時有所幫助,但長遠來看,經濟對一個國家更為重要。他們可以購買現代武器,並在一定程度上適應現代戰術,但所有的這些在未來幾十年後會過時,那時唯一的選擇是再次從其他國家購買新的武器。第一次鴉片戰爭時,中國的經濟基本已停滯了三百多年。同時人口的暴增導致了大規模貧困


Richard ChoiAll of the answer are very well.Here a addition, the center government in Beijing lose they power in controlling the country.Since Taiping Rebellion began. “zhong-yang-ji-quan” (centralization) system had collapse, local government can hold their own military forces.From than on, the warlords have very strong affect on the government.Meiji reformWhich The Emperor get the power from The Tokugawa shogunate. The military belong to the Japan Emperor.

Richard Choi所有的答案都很好。另外,北京的中央政府失去了掌控國家的能力。自太平天國起義以來,中央集權制度崩潰,地方政府可以擁有自己的軍事力量。從此之後,軍閥對政府有很大的影響力。明治維新天皇從德川幕府那裡繼承了權力。軍隊屬於天皇。


