
English text below 厄瓜多尔人口最多的城市,瓜亚基尔,有两百六十万市民,是厄瓜多尔西部太平洋海边的一个港口城市。瓜亚基尔现在面临一个很棘手的问题:被遗弃的死尸不时出现在街头。那些街头躺尸的视频和照片正在全世界的社交媒体上疯传。











#How the coronavirus let the dead bodies pile up in the streets of this big Latin American city#

Guayaquil, the western port city of Ecuador with 2.6 million people, is the most populous city in the country. Now the city has a big problem: dead bodies are left in the streets. The videos of those dead bodies left in the streets have gone viral on social media all over the world.

Guayaquil has more than half of 3,000 plus confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ecuador. This number is much lower than the actual infected cases due to the lack of testing kits, according to the experts. COVID-19 has caused the collapse of the health system of the city. Many sick people couldn't be checked into hospitals as all the hospitals are full. Some of these sick people died either in their own homes or in the streets while waiting for hospital beds.

The relatives of the people who died have had problem buying coffins, which have been in short supply due to the lack of raw materials after the quarantine has impeded the transportation of most goods.

The lucky ones who somehow got hold of coffins have another problem on hand: no one comes over to pick up the coffins. Before the outbreak, the government officials used to pick up 30 dead bodies a day, with or without coffins, and transport them to hospitals for the medicos to determine the cause of death. Now they have to pick up and examine about 150 dead bodies a day. The work starts to pile up and it takes longer than ever for the dead bodies to be picked up.

One more bottleneck in the process of handling the dead bodies is that cremation is uncommon in Latin America. Most people in Latin America are Catholics and Catholics don't do cremation because of religious reasons. The dead bodies are buried underground after the Funeral Services are performed in the funeral homes. In Guayaquil, only 20 out of 120 funeral homes are still open as most owners of funeral homes closed the shop for the fear of being infected by the coronavirus. Again dead bodies pile up while waiting for the Funeral Service to be performed by the few funeral homes that are still open.

Guayaquil is a hot and humid port city near the equator. Dead bodies decompose almost immediately and the stench becomes unbearable very fast. People have no choice but to carry the dead bodies, with or without coffins, out of their homes and leave them on the street.

The situation in Guayaquil and Ecuador will get worse in the coming weeks before it gets better.

