

The ugly history of blaming ethnic groups fo routbreaks


As the coronavirus outbreak grows in scale and scope, a nasty side effect spreads: discrimination. We're seeing numerous reports of verbal andphysical abuse aimed at ethnic Chinese.


Sadly, this is nothing new: Past outbreaks have often gone hand in hand with ugly prejudice, with various ethnic or racial groups blamed for the disease.


Consider the gold standard of pandemics: the bubonic plague, better known as the Black Death. It came roaring into Europe in 1348 and managed to kill off a quarter of the population within a few short years. As the death toll soared, many self-professed Christians looked for an explanation -and a way to put an end to the epidemic.

想想看大流行性疾病的典型代表一流行性淋 巴腺鼠疫就知道了,它更為人所知的名字叫“黑死病”。1348年,這場瘟疫迅速席捲歐洲,在短短几年內奪走了歐洲四分之一的人的生命。 隨著死亡人數不斷攀升,許多自稱基督教徒者開始尋求一種解釋, 以及結束這場瘟疫的方法。

They fell back on anti- Semitism. Because some Jewish communities initially escaped the epidemic, Christians accused them of masterminding the outbreak. L acking a germ theory of disease, they claimed that Jews had poisoned the wells, or as one deranged medieval conspiracy theorist claimed, the Jews "wished to extinguish all of Christendom, through their poisons of frogs and spiders mixed into oil and cheese."


These zealots proceeded with a bloodletting as horrifying as the plague itself. In town squares,mobs gathered together Jewish communities and burned them alive en masse. And yet the plague continued to rage, killing off these same communities.


The practical problem with identifying a particular group as the exclusive carriers of disease (or the culprits behind the spread of it) is that it blinds people to the reality viruses and bacteria don't care if you're from Wuhan or Washington. If you've got a pulse, you'll make an excellent host.


