3月30日國際醫師節,致敬每一位“逆行者”!National Doctor’s Day(附真人朗讀)

英文短文 | 3月30日國際醫師節,致敬每一位“逆行者”!National Doctor’s Day(附真人朗讀)

英文短文 | 3月30日國際醫師節,致敬每一位“逆行者”!National Doctor’s Day(附真人朗讀)

英文短文 | 3月30日國際醫師節,致敬每一位“逆行者”!National Doctor’s Day(附真人朗讀)

National Doctor’s Day is a day which is celebrated on March 30th. The idea came from the need to honor (尊敬) doctors for the work they do for their patients. It is their hard work that keeps all of us healthy.

History of National Doctor’s Day

National Doctor’s Day dates back to March 30, 1933. It was started by Eudora Brown Almond, the wife of a great doctor. She wanted to create a day just to honor doctors.

Why did Eudora Brown Almond choose March 30th as the date for Doctor’s Day? That’s because that day is when Dr. Crawford W. Long used ether anesthetic (乙醚麻醉劑) for the first time during surgery (手術) in 1842.

Why we love National Doctor’s Day

The fight against the coronavirus is no less than a war, because those who fight on the front line face real danger. During the outbreak, thousands of doctors leave their families behind to rush to the front line and fight the virus. They protect and save people’s lives around the clock. Some of them have even lost lives. They are true heroes of the times we live in. So National Doctor’s Day means a lot.


Why is the fight against the coronavirus no less than a war?


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