抗新冠新药展望原创 廖博士 廖博士国际新药快讯


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抗新冠新药展望原创 廖博士  廖博士国际新药快讯

When might experimental drugs to treat Covid-19 be ready? A forecast


Drug companies and medical researchers are making heroic efforts to deliver new medicines. Several dozen are now in development. Studies so far are mostly small and lack real control groups, making it hard for researchers to be sure of their conclusions.


抗新冠新药展望原创 廖博士  廖博士国际新药快讯

Doctors on the front lines have been trying older medicines, such as the malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, in the hopes that they will prove effective. Large studies of such medicines are already in process. But therelentless pace of the virus’ spread and a sense of desperation can only do so muchto speed up the development of new medicines. Normally, the process to develop new medicines can take a decade or more. And many experimental medicines fail. When it comes to infectious disease treatments,data from the Biotechnology Innovation Organization put the success rate of new medicines just starting clinical testing at 1 in 5.


Is there hope that something will be available soon to help us fight this virus, known as SARS-CoV-2? Here’s a look at what’s on tap and how soon it could be ready. For almost any treatment or preventative, supply could be an issue if large numbers of people need it. Lastly, please note: some of these treatments and vaccines are likely to fail. That is the unfortunate reality of how medicine works.


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Existing antiviral medicines


Timeline: Available now, but efficacy testing could take a month or more.


The early hope is on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, and many hospitals, including the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of Washington, include them in their treatment guidelines. Some doctors are combining hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, an antibiotic. Much of the published evidence comes from a very small French study and reports from China. Larger, more rigorous clinical trials are starting, but they will take time. Favipiravir, a flu drug shown in Japan, appeared beneficial in another small study. These medicines, especially the malaria drugs, which are being mass-produced, will be used by doctors on the front lines, but we will have to wait for evidence.



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Timeline: First data could come in April



Remdesivir, an antiviral medicine that failed as an Ebola treatment, was initially developed to work against a different coronavirus. There’s some evidence that it benefits Covid-19 patients. Six large studies are in progress, with the first, in severely ill patients in China, due to finish as early as April 3, according to a government website. A study in patients with milder disease will also finish in April, with two more due in May. In the meantime, Gilead has made the drug available to hundreds of patients on a compassionate use basis. However, it recently said that, due to overwhelming demand, it would suspend access to the drug for all but pregnant women and children.


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Convalescent plasma

Timeline: May see some use immediately, but research could take months

It’s an old idea that has proven effective in other epidemics: give patients who are sick blood plasma from those who have recovered. It can work because the plasma contains antibodies against the virus, weaponizing the immune system of the sick patient. One recent study from China reported that of 10 patients given convalescent plasma, seven saw their viral loads become undetectable; it noted other improvements in their condition.

Takeda is developing a more refined version of this approach that uses more concentrated antibodies taken from blood. The product may be available in nine to 18 months.





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Arthritis drugs

Timeline: Data could be available by summer; drugs available now

Drugs against autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis work by tamping down the immune system. This could, ironically, be useful against in Covid-19, because the SARS-CoV-2 virus can make the body overreact, causing what’s called a “cytokine storm,” damaging the body.

Actemra, one such drug made by Roche, is approved for treating the cytokine storm when it is caused by cancer treatments. An unpublished 21-patient study in China showed Actemra reduced fevers and need for supplemental oxygen. Two other firms, Regeneron and Sanofi, launched a study of their similar drug, Kevzara, in Covid-19 patients; the pair has said results could be available as early as April. Roche has begun its own study of Actemra in the U.S. Both Actemra and Kevzara are artificial antibodies that target a protein involved in the immune system called IL-6.





抗新冠新药展望原创 廖博士  廖博士国际新药快讯

Artificial antibodies against the virus

Timeline: Potentially early fall

Regeneron had success developing a mixture of antibodies against Ebola; it is now selecting two to use against SARS-CoV-2, with the expectation that trials could start by early summer. If all goes well, it could be available by early fall for some uses, like treating extremely sick patients. Eli Lilly, working with a Vancouver startup called AbCellera, has said it hopes to start trials of a similar approach within four months. Vir Biotechnology and Biogen are following a similar path.




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New antivirals

Timeline: 2021 at the earliest

If existing antivirals cannot control SARS-CoV-2, brand new medicines may be needed. But this process is at square one, and even moving at full-speed could eat up months. Efforts are underway to search chemical libraries for medicines that could prove effective by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others. If they can find medicines that have gone through some previous testing, as remdesivir has, that could hasten the process.



如果现有的抗病毒药物不能控制SARS-CoV-2,可能需要全新的药物。但这才刚刚开始,即使全速前进也要数月的时间。目前正在筛选化学库的药物,由比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)和其他机构进行验证。如果他们能像雷德西韦一样,找到经过一些先前研究过的药物,则可能会加速这一过程。

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Timeline: Late 2021, possibly many years

There is one approach that could deliver a vaccine faster than others: It uses messenger RNA to make cells produce proteins that could lead to immunity. This approach has never been used in a widely available vaccine. The biotech Moderna is in the lead here, but others, such as BioNTech, working with Pfizer, are working on a similar approach.




It could take 18 months to be sure that approach works and is broadly safe. Other approaches are being developed in tandem, including one from Sanofi, now used for flu vaccines, that manufactures vaccines in insect cells. However, Moderna said in a filing with the SEC Monday that its vaccine might be available for some groups, including health care workers, as early as fall 2020.


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“If you look across the many programs that have been launched, if you look at history, not all of those programs will be successful,” said Rajeev Venkayya, president of Takeda’s global vaccines unit, during a press conference last week. “And I think that is something that I don’t think we’ve effectively communicated to the public. Just because we start a vaccine program doesn’t mean that we will definitely get a vaccine on the other end.”

The good news about having so many efforts in progress, is it increases the chances that one will succeed.

武田公司全球疫苗部门总裁Rajeev Venkaya上周在记者招待会上说:“如果你纵观已经启动的许多项目,纵观历史,并非所有这些项目都会成功。”。“我认为这是我们没有有效地与公众沟通的问题。仅仅因为我们启动了疫苗计划,并不意味着我们肯定会成功。”



1. convalescent.[ˌkɑːnvəˈlesnt] adj. 康复期的; 正在康复的; 渐愈的;

2. control group.对照组

3. on the front lines.前线的

4. Malaria.抗疟

5. Hydroxychloroquine.羟氯喹

6. Chloroquine.氯喹

7. in process.进行中

8. relentless.无情的

9. When it comes to.谈到…..

10. azithromycin.阿奇霉素

11. take time.需要时间

12. mass-produce.大规模生产

13. Remdesivir.瑞德西韦

14. severely ill.重病

15. compassionate use.同情性使用

16. plasma.血浆

17. weaponize.使适合用作武器; They were close to weaponizing ricin — a lethal plant toxin. 他们快把蓖麻毒素——一种致命的植物毒素——研发为武器了。

18. rheumatoid arthritis.风湿性关节炎

19. tamp down the immune system.抑制免疫系统

20. ironically.具有讽刺意味

21. cytokine storm.细胞因子风暴

22. square one : the initial stage or starting point the failure set us back to square one Etymology for square one:from the use of numbered squares in some board games

23. at the earliest.最早也要

24. at full-speed.全速

25. in the lead.处于领先地位

26. in tandem.同步

27. look across.眺望; Look across the square. you'll see a tunnel.

28. heroic.非常大的;巨大的 This was foolishness on a heroic scale . 这简直是天大的蠢事。


