宅家陪你學3.4 斯坦福大學《Writing in the Sciences》課程

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宅家陪你學3.4 斯坦福大學《Writing in the Sciences》課程

Writing in the Sciences 3.4 學習筆記


1.電影《Memento》(中文《記憶碎片》)是根據喬納森·諾蘭的短篇小說《Memento Mori》改編而成的懸念影片,影片由Christopher Nolan(克里斯托弗·諾蘭)導演,蓋·皮爾斯、凱莉·安妮·莫斯、喬·潘托里亞諾、小馬克·布恩等人主演。影片講述了患有“短期記憶喪失症”的萊昂納多·謝爾比必須根據自己支離破碎的記憶來找到殺害自己妻子的兇手的故事。《記憶碎片》的一部分靈感,應該是來自於關於“記憶”的一些心理學和神經科學研究。首先,記憶至少可以分成兩個層面,在意識層面上,遺忘症病人無法形成新的記憶,而在無意識層面上,遺忘症病人其實會對經驗留下印象。其次,記憶裡的內容未必都真實,有時候你會記得一些你實際沒有經歷過的事情


2.作為例句的段落選自奧巴馬2016年發表在WIRED雜誌上的文章《Barack Obama: Now Is the Greatest Time to Be Alive》。節選我喜歡的一段:

“When WIRED asked me to guest-edit the November issue, I didn’t hesitate. I know it’s the height of election season, and I happen to have a day job that keeps me pretty busy. But given the chance to immerse myself in the possibility of interplanetary travel or join a deep-dive conversation on artificial intelligence, I’m going to say yes. I love this stuff. Always have. It’s why my favorite movie of last year was The Martian. Of course, I’m predisposed to love any movie where Americans defy the odds and inspire the world. But what really grabbed me about the film is that it shows how humans—through our ingenuity, our commitment to fact and reason, and ultimately our faith in each other—can science the heck out of just about any problem.”


