




【愛爾蘭】都柏林聖三一大學(QS排名 108)

PhD Candidate in Computational (Electro)Catalysis


項目簡介:Starting date: March or September 2020.
Project Description
The PhD project will involve the use of state-of-the-art computational methods and machine learning algorithms (depending on the candidate’s background) to accelerate the design of cost-effective electrocatalysts for the sustainable production of chemical feedstocks and energy carriers. This research will be conducted in the CCEM group, an exciting and dynamic research team. The successful applicant will be trained to the highest standards and encouraged to develop her/his technical and transferable skills. In addition, s/he will attend courses on the Dublin Chemistry Programme, group meetings, seminars, and international conferences.
Further details on the CCEM group can be found at http://www.ccem-group.com

【美國】普渡大學(QS排名 111)

Prof. Sunghwan Lee組招收多個全獎博士生

相關專業:材料工程, 機械工程, 物理

項目簡介:美國普渡大學 科技學院 Prof. Sunghwan Lee組內招收多個全獎博士生,研究課題包括 #Flexible Devices #CVD Polymers #Advanced Materials等方向。
His research focuses on the processing of advanced thin film materials and their various device applications in information processing, energy conversion and sensor devices. The goal of his research is to continue providing new levels of performance and device functionality in those devices.
實驗室主頁:https://baylorme.wixsite.com/leethinfilm ;https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/profile/sunghlee


【德國】卡爾斯魯厄理工學院(QS排名 124)

PhD position in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Natural Sciences

相關專業:化學, 計算機科學, 材料工程

項目簡介:The candidate will work in an interdisciplinary team on the development of AI/ML methods and their application to materials science problems. We are in particular interested in graph convolutional neural networks or generative methods such as GANs, autoencoders or genetic algorithms. Application areas include organic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, as well as organic semiconductors and hybrid organic-inorganic materials such as perovskites. Basic experience in python programming is required. ML libraries such as tensorflow, keras and/or pytorch are welcome. Alternatively, experience with quantum chemistry and materials simulation tools (DFT/MD) are useful.
During the project, the candidate will learn many useful and relevant tools (both for academia and industry) at the interface between computer science and materials science. We are currently building a young and interdisciplinary team of computational scientists. To make a real world impact, we aim at close collaboration with experimental groups and

【英國】倫敦大學瑪麗王后學院(QS排名 126)

PhD position in Data-driven analysis of energy systems

相關專業:數據科學, 數學, 統計學

項目簡介:This project will be supervised by Professor Christian Beck and Dr Benjamin Schaefer.
The electrical supply and the power grid are integral parts of the our modern society. Without access to electricity, farmers would not be able to feed their animals, car factories would come to a halt, mobile phone systems would fail and many of us would not even be able to make a cup of tea. While the current power system is very reliable and offers a high quality of service, it remains unclear how this will develop in the future. The limited supply of fossil fuels as well as necessary reduction of CO2 emissions to mitigate climate change, will eventually lead to a power grid mainly supplied by renewable generators, such as wind and solar plants. These plants output smaller total power so that a large number is necessary which have to be geographically distributed for optimal weather conditions. The current power grid system slowly emerged within several decades of optimization processes.

【比利時】根特大學(QS排名 130)

PhD Student - Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering


項目簡介:Ghent University is a top 100 university worldwide and one of the major universities in Belgium, with more than 44,000 students and 15,000 staff members. At the department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering (ESME), the optimization and control of mechatronic systems is an important research topic. In mechatronics, there is a trend towards autonomous systems with a high level of modularity. For instance, in manufacturing and logistics, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) can be equipped with a robot arm to perform various working functions in an automated manner, such as handling loads, drilling, polishing or painting. Also in agricultural applications, modularity and automation are becoming more and more important, e.g., in autonomous farming equipment for plowing, sowing or harvesting.

Ghent University is a research partner in the Flanders Make Work-Drive project, which investigates collaborative motion for modular mechatronic systems.

【芬蘭】阿爾託大學(QS排名 134)

PhD position in Micro And Quantum Technology

相關專業:化學, 計算機科學, 材料工程, 物理

項目簡介:The Micro and Quantum Systems group is looking for DOCTORAL CANDIDATES IN MICRO AND QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY
Research group
These research positions will be supported by the Micro and Quantum Systems group ( https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-electronics-and-nanoengineering/micro-and-quantum-systems ) which is led by Professor Ilkka Tittonen. The group focuses mainly on the study of various nanofabrication methods, energy harvesting, thermoelectrics, and quantum optics theory and experiments. The group belongs to the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering at the School of Electrical Engineering, and is located in the Micronova Nanofabrication Center, the largest academic clean room facility in Northern Europe.
We have the following four positions open
1) Doctoral Candidate in Quantum Optics
The research focus of this position is to experimentally realize a theoretically proposed quantum illumination experiment.

【挪威】卑爾根大學(QS排名 163)

PhD position in Statistics with focus on Data Science

相關專業:計算機科學, 數據科學, 統計學

項目簡介:PhD position: There is a vacancy for a PhD position in Statistics at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen (UiB). The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4th year with compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties at the Department).
About the project/work tasks: The position as PhD student is intended to give a promising candidate the opportunity to pursue advanced research leading to a doctoral degree in Statistics. The candidate will be part of the Statistics group in UiB’s Department of Mathematics and also affiliated with the newly established Center for Data Science (CEDAS) at UiB. The candidate will work on statistical aspects of Machine Learning, Data Science and especially Big Data analysis. CEDAS advances the state of the art in data science fundamentals, based on competence from statistics and computer science. Thus the candidate will benefit from its multidisciplinary work environment.

【加拿大】滑鐵盧大學(QS排名 173)


相關專業:數據科學, 機械工程




【荷蘭】馬斯特裡赫特大學(QS排名 239)

PhD position in Department of Genetics and Cell Biology


項目簡介:Department of Genetics and Cell Biology, Maastricht Unviersity, the Netherlands, 2020年招收1-2名 CSC students.
PhD projects:
1) Chinese medicine to impact on CD36 translocation and reverse contractile dysfunction in the diabetic heart.2) Defining targets to protect the heart from transition to failure; a combined in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro approach.3) Imaging the metabolic shifts of Heart Failure and how to reverse it.4) Molecular mechanism of dilated cardiomyopathy caused by genetic defects in LMNA (Human stem cells).

【英國】艾塞克斯大學(QS排名 370)


相關專業:計算機科學, 機械工程


英國埃塞克斯大學(泰晤士全球大學排名251-300, university of the year by times higher education awards 2018),計算機科學與電子工程學院(2014年英國ref學科排名前10)。埃塞克斯機器人研究組由國際著名機器人專家胡豁生教授創建並領導,現該課題組胡靚博士招聘全額獎學金博士生一名。

博士課題名稱:supervised at-home gait assessment for children with cerebral palsy using deep learning and data fusion techniques

詳情見鏈接:https://www.essex.ac.uk/postgraduate-research-degrees/opportunities/supervised-at-home-gait-assessment-for-children-with-cerebral-palsy 。


【英國】艾塞克斯大學(QS排名 370)


相關專業:計算機科學, 數據科學, 數學

項目簡介:英國埃塞克斯大學 數學科學系 (數據科學方向)和 計算機與電子工程學院 (機器人方向) 聯合博士獎學金目前開放申請。
詳細信息:https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BYR164/phd-studentship-towards-an-intelligent-hybrid-energy-and-transportation-system-in-the-presence-of-large-scale-evs-and-renewable-energy 。


【美國】德克薩斯理工大學(QS排名 801)


相關專業:計算機工程, 計算機科學, 數據科學

項目簡介:導師盛勝利(Victor S. Sheng)是德州理工大學(Texas Tech University)計算機系副教授, 需要招收若干名全獎PhD學生。德州理工大學位於美國德克薩斯州的盧伯克市。學校建立於1923年,是一所公立理工科高等學府,為博士一類大學(R1: Doctoral Universities – Highest Research Activity)。德州理工大學被“美國新聞與世界報道”評為國家級一級大學。
主要研究領域為數據挖掘與機器學習、大數據、深度學習、人工智能、數據安全和決策支持,及其在商業、醫療診斷、軟件工程等領域的應用。在眾包研究領域,主要開展眾包數據質量和模型質量提升的相關機制研究,提出了一種重複標註機制;並對重複標註中的真值推理和模型學習進一步展開研究。在機器學習領域,主要開展代價敏感學習、主動學習以及多標籤主動學習機制及應用基礎研究。在數據挖掘和機器學習的頂級期刊如TPAMI、TKDE、JMLR、TMM、TNNLS和DMKD等,以及頂級會議如IJCAI、KDD、ICML、AAAI、ECML、ICDM、DASFAA、ACM MM、ICMR、ICME、CIKM等上面共發表研究成果論文180餘篇。









PhDs in Mathematics


項目簡介:The Mathematics Department of the University of Luxembourg has an opening for 11 PhD positions, co-financed by a grant from the Luxembourg National Research Fund.
·Ref: R-AGR-3528-13-C·Applications will be treated on a rolling basis·Duration: 14-month initial contract, extendable for up to 3 years, with a further possible 1 year extension if required, 40 hours/week·Teaching duties of up to 60 hours per year
Your Role
The successful candidates will be expected to conduct research under the guidance of professors (names and areas of expertise listed below), with the aim of obtaining a PhD in mathematics. They will also be expected to contribute to the department’s many activities, including seminars, teaching, outreach and various other research related events.
Our department offers an outstanding and dynamic environment for PhD candidates, with multiple seminars, working groups, colloquia, and a doctoral school which also includes access to multiple training opportunities, including some not only focus


PhD position in Computational Fabrication

相關專業:計算機工程, 計算機科學

項目簡介:Computational Fabrication for Reproduction of Appearance and Tactile Properties of 3D Printed Objects
The Perception, Display, and Fabrication Group at the University of Lugano in Switzerland is looking for Ph.D. candidates to work at the intersection of computer graphics, fabrication, and perception. The positions are fully-funded. We offer a competitive salary in line with Swiss universities.
Research area: Current multi-material 3D printers can deposit different materials with extremely high precision, creating objects with unseen geometrical details and mechanical properties. The freedom to create and to customize previously impossible to fabricate objects makes the additive manufacturing a key enabler for many applications. At the same time, the excellent capabilities of the fabrication devices open up many computational challenges regarding designing printable objects which can fully exploit the capabilities of these devices.
The goal of this research is to develop new computational fabrication tech









