04.10 英语场景口语|SHOPPING 购物

英语场景口语|SHOPPING 购物

英语场景口语|SHOPPING 购物

英语场景口语|SHOPPING 购物

--- lesson4 SHOPPING 购物

--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

She went out to buy a new dress.^她去买新衣服了。

He had to go return a gift to the store.^他必须去把一件礼物归还给商店。

I need to buy a new umbrella.^我需要买一把新雨伞。

They have sold out of the brand that I like.^他们已经卖完了我喜欢的那个牌子。

Do you have any shoes in my size?^你们这里有适合我的尺码的鞋子吗?

There are the best electronics store in the city.^本城有最好的电子产品商店。

I hate shopping on Saturday mornings.^我讨厌在星期六的上午去购物。

Where can I find dog food in this store?^这家店狗食放在哪?

How much does this cost?^这个多少钱?

Are these items on sale?^这些东西是打折的吗?

Do you think this dress is too expensive?^你认为这件衣服太贵了吗?

It’s pretty formal and I don’t have many opportunities to dress up.^这件很正式,但我并没有很多机会穿得很正式。

Do you think this sweater will look good on me?^你认为这件毛衣我穿会好看吗?

What length of skirt are you looking to buy?^你要买多长的裙子?

I’ll try to see if they are any in my price range.^我要看看是否有什么东西,它的价格在我的承受范围之内。

