
这一讲,我们学习第31课,四组易混形近词, ,以获得第一语感。


K:Many English learners often get confused about words that sound almost the same.

L:But they are not the same. Because these words have different spellings and meanings.

K:So, let's look at some of these commonly confused words.

L:Kaveh, how many times have you mixed up AFFECT and EFFECT?

K:Ah, too many times to remember. And I still get it wrong sometimes.

L:Well, then, this should help: AFFECT means "TO INFLUENCE."

Her speech was so inspiring, it affected the audience.

When used as a noun, effect means "A RESULT." And when used as a verb, it means "TOACCOMPLISH."

But effect is not often used as a verb.

K:A good tip to remember is to use affect as a verb and effect as a noun.


Further refers to distance that cannot be measured. While farther describes a measurable physical distance.

L:The trick is to remember that FARTHER, which describes physical distance, has the word "FAR" in it.

K:Accept means "to receive." For example:

I accepted a nice gift from my mom.

K:Except has to do with leaving something out.

Everyone went out except David.

Lastly, we have than and then.

L:Than is used with comparisons.

He was more athletic than his brother.

And then means "at that time" or "next."



1.Many English learners often get confused about words that sound almost the same.

But they are not the same. Because these words have different spellings and meanings.


When used as a noun, effect means "A RESULT."

A good tip to remember is to use affect as a verb and effect as a noun.

3.Further refers to distance that cannot be measured. While farther describes a measurable physical distance.

4.Accept means "to receive." Except has to do with leaving something out.

5.Than is used with comparisons.And then means "at that time" or "next."


