


1. add加;增加 add ... to

2. advise建議 advise sb. (not) to do sth.; advise doing sth.

3. afford負擔得起 (can / can't) afford to do sth.

4. arrive到達 arrive in / at some place = get to / reach some place

5. connect連接 connect ... with / and

6. decide決定 (名詞形式decision)

decide to do sth.; make a / the decision (to do sth.)

7. die死亡 (過去式,過去分詞died,現在分詞dying)

die of / from / down / out (dead表示死亡的狀態)

8. dress穿衣服 dress sb.; be dressed up as; get dressed

9. expect期待 expect (sb.) to do sth.

10. hear聽見

hear about; hear of; hear sb. / sth. do / doing sth.

11. hope希望 hope to do sth.; hope +that從句

12. invite邀請

invite sb. to do sth.; invite sb. to some place

13. join參加;加入 join the club / party (take part in參加)

14. keep保留;保持;使繼續處於某種狀態

keep + adj.; keep sb. / sth. + adj.; keep doing sth.; keep sb. doing sth.

15. lead引導;帶領 lead sb. to some place; lead to sth.

16. learn學習

learn to do sth.; learn from sb.; learn by oneself

17. lie平躺(過去式lay,過去分詞lain,現在分詞lying) lie down

18. lose丟失(反義詞find) lose sth.; get lost; find out; find it +adj.+to do sth. / that從句

19. marry結婚 marry sb.; get / be married

20. mix(使)混合,融合 mix ... with ...; mix together

21. offer提供

offer sb. sth.; offer sth. to sb.; offer to do sth.

22. prefer更喜歡

prefer sth. to sth.; prefer to do / doing sth.

23. prepare準備 prepare sth. / for sth.

24. protect保護 protect sb. from (doing) sth.

25. provide提供

provide sb. with sth.; provide sth. for / to sb.

26. remain逗留;保持 remain (to be) + adj.

27. reply回答;答覆 reply to sth.

28. save救;節省;避免

save sb. / sth. from sth. / from doing sth.

29. seem看來;似乎 seem to do / be; It seems that ...

30. sell賣 (反義詞buy)

sell sb. sth.; sell sth. (to sb.); buy sb. sth.; buy sth. (for sb.)

31. share共用;分享 share sth. with sb.

32. show展示

show sb. around some place; show sb. sth.; show sth. to sb.; show up; show off

33. sound聽起來好像

sound + adj.; sound like + a(n) ...

34. succeed成功 succeed in doing sth.

35. suggest建議 suggest doing sth.; suggest that ...

36. suppose猜想;相信;認為

be supposed to; suppose + that從句

37. taste有……的味道;品嚐 taste + adj.

38. teach教

teach sb. to do sth.; teach sb. sth.; teach sth. to sb.

39. try設法;嘗試;努力

try to do sth.; try doing sth.; try one's best to do sth.

40. warn警告 warn sb. (not) to do sth.

41. win贏(近義詞beat) win the match; win a prize; beat sb. / a team

42. wish但願;希望

wish sb. sth.; wish to do sth.; wish+that從句



be sure about確信;對……有把握

care about關心;在意

come about發生

hear about聽說;得知

talk about談論

think about思考;思索

be serious about對……認真

learn about瞭解

worry about擔心

write about編寫;寫作


look after照料;照顧

take after (外貌或行為)像


laugh at嘲笑

look at看

look back at回首(往事);回憶;回顧

point at指著

shout at ...衝……大聲叫嚷


get away離開;脫身

give away贈送;捐贈

go away離開

put away收起;收拾好

run away逃走;逃跑

sweep away掃去

take away帶走;拿走

throw away扔掉;拋棄


bring back恢復;使想起;歸還

call (sb.) back (給某人)回電話

go back回去

talk back回嘴;頂嘴


drop by順便訪問;隨便進入

go by (時間)逝去;過去

pass by路過;經過


break down出故障;壞掉

calm down冷靜下來

close down (永久)關閉;關停

count down倒數;倒計時

cut down砍倒

die down逐漸變弱;逐漸消失

fall down突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌

let ... down使失望

lie down躺下

look down俯視

pull down摧毀

put ... down拆下;摧毀

sit down坐下

take down拆除;往下拽;記錄

turn down把……調低;關小;拒絕

write down寫下;記錄下


ask for要求

care for照顧;非常喜歡

die for為……而死

look for尋找;尋求

pay for付費;付出代價

prepare for為……做好準備

stand for是……的縮寫;代表

wait for等待;等候


come from來自

hear from接到(某人的)信、電話等

keep ... away from避免接近;遠離

separate from分離;隔開


believe in信任;信賴

hand in提交;上交

join in參加

take in吸入;吞入(體內)

take part in參加

take pride in為……感到自豪


divide ... into把……分開

get into陷入;參與

translate ... into把……翻譯成

turn ... into變成

walk into走路時撞著


be proud of對……感到自豪

die of死於……

feel ashamed of對……感到羞愧

get out of離開;從……出來

run out of用盡;耗盡

take care of照顧;處理

think of認為;想起


burn off燒掉;消耗掉

call off取消;決定終止

clean ... off把……擦掉

cut off切除

fall off ...從……跌落

get off下車

go off離開;(鬧鐘)發出響聲

put off推遲

set off動身;出發

show off炫耀

shut off關閉;停止運轉

take off脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛

turn off關掉


come on快點兒

depend on取決於;決定於;依靠;信賴

hang on稍等

put on增加(體重);發胖;穿;戴

turn on接通(電流、煤氣、水等);打開


blow out吹滅

break out爆發;發生

bring out使顯現;使表現出

check out察看;觀察

clear out清理;丟掉

come out出版;問世

cut out刪除;刪去

eat out出去吃飯

fill out填寫;填充

find out查明;弄清

give out分發;散發

go out外出(娛樂)

hand out分發

hang out閒逛;常去某處

help out (幫助……)分擔工作;解決難題

lay out擺開;佈置

leave out忽略;不提及;不包括

look out當心;注意

point out指出;指明

put out撲滅

read out朗讀;宣讀

sell out賣光

set out出發;啟程

take out拿出;取出

try out參加……選拔;試用

work out成功地發展;解決


fall over絆倒

go over複習;練習


go through穿過

look through快速查看;瀏覽

put through接通(電話)


belong to屬於

be / get used to習慣於

look forward to盼望;期待

look up to欽佩;仰慕

pay attention to注意;關注

stick to堅持;固守


call up打電話給(某人);徵召

cheer up (使)變得更高興;振奮起來

clean up打掃(或清除)乾淨

cut up切碎

dress up裝扮;喬裝打扮

end up最終成為;最後處於

fix up修理;裝飾

get up起床;站起

give up放棄

grow up長大;成熟;成長

hurry up趕快;急忙(做某事)

look up (在詞典、參考書中或通過電腦)查閱;抬頭看

make up編造(故事、謊言等)

mix up弄錯;弄亂

pick up接電話;撿起;學會

put up搭起;舉起;張貼;公佈

set up建起;設立

show up趕到;露面

take up (尤指為消遣)學著做;開始做

turn up開大;調高(音量、熱量等)

wake up醒;醒來


agree with sb.同意某人

catch up with sb.趕上某人

compare ... with ...比較;對比

deal with應對;處理

get on with和睦相處;關係良好

part with放棄、交出(尤指不捨得的東西)


( )1. —When will Mr. Green ______ Beijing?

—In a week.

A. reach B. get

C. arrive D. come


( )2. Some people think it's the parents' job to ______ their children ______ a clean and comfortable environment at home.

A. offer; to B. offer; with

C. provide; with D. provide; to


( )3. Don't worry! I'm sure you'll ______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.

A. catch up with B. be pleased with

C. get on well with D. agree with


( )4. If the customer rings up for me again, please ______ the call to the sales department.

A. run through B. look through

C. go through D. put through


( )5. —Are you going to have a part-time job during the summer vacation?

—Yes. I think I shouldn't always ______ my parents since I've grown up.

A. fight against B. argue with

C. hear from D. depend on


( )6. —Would you please help me ______ the invitations to all my friends?

—Sure. You'd better let me know their phone numbers.

A. make up B. clean out C. give out


( )7. —Why do you ______ Bill?

—Because he is a hero.

A. look up to B. look up

C. look through D. look like


( )8. More and more people have realized that we shouldn't ______ the ancient buildings in cities.

A. get off B. put off

C. cut down D. pull down


( )9. —Let's go out for dinner.

—Great! But Clean-Up Day is two weeks from now. We can't ______ making a plan.

A. take off B. see off

C. put off D. cut off


( )10. Our teacher ______ a bookshelf at the back of our classroom to make a small reading corner.

A. picked up B. put up

C. took up D. got up


( )11. —Which would you like to read, paper books or e-books?

—My parents only allow me to read paper books. They ______ my eyes.

A. talk about B. hear about

C. learn about D. worry about


( )12. —This summer a lot of athletes will go to Brazil to ______ the 2016 Rio Olympics.

—I love sports and I can't wait to enjoy the exciting moments.

A. take part in B. take pride in C. take in




1-5 ACCDD 6-10 CADCB 11-12 DA




