英國三分之一的2 5歲以下年輕人成功戒酒

A third of under-25s now drink no alcohol

英國三分之一的2 5歲以下年輕人成功戒酒

A third of young people abstain from alcohol and the proportion of them who have never tried it has almost doubled in the past decade, according to one of the largest studies of youth drinking.



英國三分之一的2 5歲以下年輕人成功戒酒

Almost 10,000 young people were questioned in a survey which confirmed that those aged 16-24 were the most sober in recent history, consuming considerably less than their parents.

Half had not drunk in the past week, up from 35 per cent in 2005. Researchers also found that 29 per cent called themselves non-drinkers, up from 18 per cent in the same period, and 17 per cent said that they had always been teetotal, up from 9 per cent.

The decline is among the most rapid social changes in recent years.…

