



在……裡面。如:in the classroom

in+顏色,穿著……顏色的衣服。如:Who's the man in white?

in+語言,用某種語言說。如:What's this in English?

在上午、下午、晚上。如:in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening

在年、月、季節前。如:in 2008,in August,in summer

在國家、城市和較大的地方前。如:in China,in Wuxi,in the playground

固定搭配。 如:in the middle of(在……中間),do well in(擅長),in the day(在白天),take part in(參加),stay in bed(躺在床上),in the street(在街上)



在……上面。 如:on the desk

用在某一天(上、下午)前。如:on the 5th of May,on Sunday,on Monday morning

以Day結尾的節日前。如: on Children's Day,on New Year's Day

固定搭配。如:on foot(步行),on duty(值日),put on(穿上),get on(上車)

turn on(打開),on the right / left(在右邊/左邊),on the wall (在牆上),on Zhongshan


注 意:樹上長的水果用on the tree;不是樹上長的外來物用in the tree。

如:I can see a lot of apples on the tree. There is a boy in the tree.



①在某個時刻前。如:at seven o'clock

②在傳統節日前。如:at Spring Festival,at Mid-Autumn Festival,at Christmas

③在較小的地點。如:at the bus stop

④固定搭配。如:at once(立刻,馬上),be good at(擅長……),look at(看),at home(在家),at school(在學校), at weekends(在週末), at the back of(在……後部), at night(在夜晚)

4、under 在……下面 如:There is a cat under the table.

5、behind 在……後面 如:There is an umbrella behind the door.

6、near 靠近…… 如:There is a park near my house.

7、beside 在……旁邊

如:The students are standing beside the teacher.

8、next to 緊靠……旁邊 如:The teachers' office is next to our classroom.

9、before (時間上)在……之前 如: before class(上課前)

10、after (時間上)在……之後;依照

固定搭配: after class(課後),after school(放學後),look after(照看),run after(追趕),read after me(跟我讀)

11、between 在兩者之間 如:There are some trees between Building A and Building B.

12、by 乘某種交通工具 如:by bus,by plane,by the way(順便說一下)


①be from = come from(來自……) 如:Mr Smiths is/comes from Australia.

②from…to…(從……到……)We go to school from Monday to Friday.

14、to 到、去…… 如:Let's go to the zoo. 固定搭配:write to(給xx寫信)

15、about 關於;大約

如: I want to buy a book about animals. It's about one kilometer away.

16、for 為、給…… 如:Here's a letter for you. What's for breakfast?

固定搭配:look for (尋找),wait for(等候)



①與……一起。如:I'll go shopping with my mother.

②具有某種特徵。如:Who's the boy with big eyes?

③help... with... 在某方面幫助某人 如: Can you help me with my English?

④play with... 和……一起玩;拿……玩 如:play with me,play with a yo-yo

18、in front of 在……前面 如:There is a tree in front of the classroom.

in the front of 在……前部 如:There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

19、along 沿著,順著 如:Go along this street.

20、as 作為 如:What would you like as a birthday present?

21、out of 從……出來;往……之外 如:The dog is running out of the house.

22、of ……的,屬於…… 如:a map of China ,a map of the world

23、off 離開,在……之外 如:keep off the grass(勿踏草坪),get off(下車)


up 向上 如:stand up(起立),pull up carrots(拔胡蘿蔔)

25、down 向下 如:sit down(坐下), jump up and down(上下跳)





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