別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 7

Lesson 7

Too late


The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.


別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 7

★detective n. 偵探

detective story 偵探小說

★airport n. 機場

port 港口


all day,all night,all week,all winter,all year等。但不說all hour。


a whole day/year,two whole weeks。

They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamond from South Africa.



① vt.&vi. 預計,預料

Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected.


② vt. 等待,期待,盼望(心理上的等待)

They are expecting guests tonight.今晚有人要去他們那裡作客。

expect所表示的等待一般暗含著根據某些信息或規律而作出相應反應的意思,而wait for主要接續“等待”這個動作本身。

I expect a letter from Jimmy.

I expect you to write back.

I expect my mother to come back.

I wait for my mother.

③ vt. 認為,猜想(一般用於口語)

I expect so./I think so. 我希望如此[口語]

I expect you've heard the news. 我想你已經聽到這個消息了。

★valuable adj. 貴重的

precious adj. 珍貴的

sth.is valuable/sth.is precious

precious photo 珍貴的照片

value n.&v. 價值

★diamond n. 鑽石

別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 7

diamond ring 鑽石戒指

precious stone 寶石;crystal 水晶;jade 玉

A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.



① vt.&vi. 偷盜,行竊

My wallet was stolen.

John never steals.

②vi. 偷偷地行動,悄悄靠近

He stole into the room. 他悄悄地進了房間。

rob sb. 搶(某人)

I was robbed.

rob the bank

★a few hours earlier 幾個小時以前 = a few hours before/a few hours ago

★would +do 過去將來時,間接方式, 轉述, 站在過去看未來

When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.


★main adj. 主要的

main building;main street;main sentence;main idea

★airfield n. 飛機起落的場地

field 田野;airfield 停機坪

on the airfield 在停機坪上


one…the other… 一個……另一個……

some…others… 一些……另一些……

Some students are very hard-working, others are not.


Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. 有兩個人把包裹拿下飛機,進了海關。

別花錢上課了,逐字逐句教你自學新概念英語:第二冊 Lesson 7

While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.


★keep guard 守望,警戒

They kept a close guard over the thieves. 他們對小偷們嚴加看管。

guard n. 警戒, 守衛

life guard 救生員

body guard 保鏢

stand guard 站崗,放哨

To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!


★to one's surprise,讓某人驚訝的是

To my surprise, the teacher was late.

To one’s +表達人情緒的名詞

to one's joy

To my joy, my mother came here yesterday.

to one's excitement

To our excitement, our team wins.

★be full of ...裝滿

My bag was full of books.

The cup is full of water.


