



1日,CNN、ABC等美國媒體報道稱,美國太平洋艦隊發言人查爾斯·布朗(Charles Brown)在一份聲明中證實,一艘中國驅逐艦當日靠近並"在距離美國軍艦前方約41米(45yards)處"從前方橫穿,向美艦發出警告並予以驅離,美艦不得不緊急轉向以"防止碰撞"。 美國海軍指責中國海軍的行動是"不安全和不專業的",幾乎導致了一次碰撞。國防部新聞發言人吳謙就美艦擅自進入中國南海島礁鄰近海域發表談話稱,9月30日,美國海軍"迪凱特"號導彈驅逐艦擅自進入中國南海有關島礁鄰近海域。中國海軍170艦迅即行動,依法依規對美艦進行識別查證,並予以警告驅離。美國網友對於這次的事件似乎似乎是被氣壞了,以下為整理美國網友關於此事的評論,供各位笑談。

trankt54155:Pres. Trump should give the US Navy an order that any vessel that presents a threat or a challenge to the US Navy should be sunk without asking questions.


Joe Killip:That reef is in the Philippines water not chinas they need to kik the Chinese off it


Oda Yukimura:Chinese cannot claim the entire region. It is still international waters.


Dustin Layton:China is acting reckless. They better ask Japan about WW2.


Mariano Platilla:You are starting China a bad move! You do not know what will be the consequences of wgat you are doing! That is a international water! The World is looking at you! You do not have the rights to claim all of that huge of water!!


Puzzleguy:Arm Taiwan to the teeth with weapons! That should ruffle up some feathers!


SoN oFaBleepBlop:China is gonna awaken the sleeping


Jason 333:Few more tariffs Trump and they wont be able to pay for their military


Click Sun:US should treat any ship that perform Terrorist Act in international water as hostile ....they should not hesitate to sink it !!!!


wu ming:Its time for operation clean sweep - Go in there in force and destroy all the illegal bases on the man made islands. Also sink any Chinese ship that tries to prevent us. Its far past time for this action and its unavoidable that we must do this. The longer we wait the harder it will be. There will never be a better time. We have asked, we have begged, we have pleaded. Its time for JDAMS and cruise missiles. Trump can wage war for a limited period without congressional approval. Congress will get behind him soon as it starts. No boots on the ground. Just take out those islands and sink any ship attempting to block activity in the South China Sea. Their entire navy and Air Force if thats what it takes.With no Air Force and no navy all china could do is stand there on the mainland shaking their fists at us. Which is fine. We don't need to set foot on mainland China.


Johnny Fenlayson:This is an International waterway and America will not stop sailing because they demand it. They do not want to take on the U.S. They need to stop provoking the U.S.


Deleted:A lot of people are pretty illiterate in the comments


jeff schnablegger:Believe Me. Our Navy isn't being Controlled by Obama anymore. President Trump is letting our Navy loose. If China wants a Naval battle, We'll send their Rusted shit boxes to the Bottom of the Sea!


Panda Nuke:China sure is getting agressive these days. Given their history of ramming our ships I would say it's an act of war to do what they did.


Claudius Pseudonymus:Well Done, China...!! Just like the Russian Ship which also challenged the US Ship in the Black Sea.....!!


James Kratos777:Give them war


Bradley Snipes:I say park 2 carrier battle groups right next to their so called territories and make them realize that we will not allow this bullshit any longer. They want a fight after that...give it to them. You cannot break international law and expect the world to bow down and except it.






