摩托羅拉新的總裁兼董事長Sergio Buniac上任

愛黑武消息,摩托羅拉移動主席兼聯想移動業務部聯合總裁Aymar de Lencquesaing(艾瑪迪倫奎賽恩)辭職,其職位將由摩托羅拉拉丁美洲高級副總裁兼總經理Sergio Buniac(塞爾吉奧·布尼亞克)接任。

2018年早些時候,Aymar de Lencquesaing(艾瑪迪倫奎賽恩)就決定,他將會花更多的時間去做他喜歡的事情,比如和家人在一起。所以聯想集團在考慮其接班人的時候,覺得在摩托羅拉工作了超過20年的Sergio Buniac(塞爾吉奧·布尼亞克)非常合適。

摩托羅拉新的總裁兼董事長Sergio Buniac上任

Sergio Buniac(塞爾吉奧·布尼亞克)

Sergio Buniac(塞爾吉奧·布尼亞克)具備端到端的行業經驗,包括在摩托羅拉領先的拉丁美洲業務上有著強勁地增長記錄(現在摩托羅拉在該市場中排名第二!)以及戰略規劃規劃和產品管理。Sergio Buniac(塞爾吉奧·布尼亞克)在業界備受尊重,摩托羅拉也對這位新的總裁兼董事長寄予厚望,希望他能帶領摩托羅拉做正確的事情。



Changes in our leadership

Earlier this year, our President Aymar de Lencquesaing decided it was time to spend less time on a plane and more time doing the things he loves outside of work – like spending time with his family.

When considering a successor to lead our business, we looked within our halls here at Motorola. And that search quickly led us to a longtime Motorolan: Sergio Buniac.

With over 20 years of service at Motorola, Sergio’s CV combines end-to-end industry experience including a strong track record of growth in leading our Latin America business (we are now #2 in that market!), as well as stints in strategic planning and product management.

Sergio is highly respected within the industry and we know he’s the right choice to lead us forward as President and Chairman of Motorola.

We realize we’ve had a great deal of transformation over the past years, and we’re grateful for our fans’ support and commitment. We’re excited for what 2018 (and beyond!) is going to bring us and look forward to sharing our first products of the year with you next month!

For more information on Motorola’s Executive Team, please visit here.


