看《Friends》學英語:The One With Two Parts


看《Friends》學英語:The One With Two Parts

[00:42.05]The One With Two Parts - Part l 六人行 第1季 第16集 第17集 雙胞胎兩部曲

[01:31.14]I don't know whether he's testing me... 我不知道它是不是在考驗我

[01:34.27]... but my monkey is out of control! 我的猴子已失去控制

[01:38.71]He keeps erasing the messages on my machine. 它不斷清除我答錄機上的留言

[01:42.25]Supposedly by accident. 應該是個意外

[01:45.18]Oh,yeah,I've done that. 哦,是的,我做過這種事

[01:50.12]And then he got to the newspaper before I did... 它連續三天在我看報紙前

[01:53.73]...and peed all over the crossword! 在猜字遊戲上尿尿

[01:56.80]I've never done that. 這我沒做過

[01:59.23]Last night,I don't know what he did but there were capers everywhere! 昨晚,我不知道他做了什麼 他到處蹦來蹦去!

[02:06.14]-She looks exactly like her sister. -I'm saying I see a difference. -她看起來和她姐姐完全一樣 -我看到不同之處

[02:11.88]They're twins. 她們是雙胞胎

[02:13.41]I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's hot! 我不管,菲比是菲比,烏蘇拉很火辣

[02:18.62]You know how we talk about things? 你知道我們怎麼說這種事情?

[02:21.69]-Let's not do that anymore. -All right. -別再談論那事了 -好吧

[02:26.52]-Pheebs,guess who we saw today? -Oh,fun! Okay. -菲比,猜我們今天遇見誰? -哦,好玩的事情!好的

[02:31.10]-Liam Neeson. -No. -連恩尼遜 -不是

[02:32.73]-Morley Safer. -No. -茉莉.塞弗 -不是

[02:34.33]-The lady who cuts my hair! -This could be a very long game. -剪我頭髮的女人! -這會是一個很長的遊戲

[02:38.57]-Your sister,Ursula. -Oh,really? -你姐姐,烏蘇拉 -哦,真的?

[02:41.84]-She works at that place.... -Riff's. I know. -她在那兒工作… -瑞菲餐廳,我知道

[02:45.04]You do? She said you guys haven't talked in years. 你知道?因為她說你們已多年不說話

[02:51.82]So,is she fat? 對,她胖嗎?

[02:56.25]Not from where I was standing. 從我的角度看不會

[02:59.00]Where were you standing? 你從什麼角度?

[03:03.33]Pheebs,so you guys just don't get along? 菲比,你們合不來?

[03:07.-2]It's mostly just dumb sister stuff. 這只是姐妹之間的事

[03:09.70]Everyone always thought of her as the pretty one. 大家都認為她漂亮

[03:14.81]She was the first to walk even though I did it later that same day. 她先學會走路 雖然我是在當天稍後學會的

[03:21.58]But to my parents,by then it was, "Yeah,what else is new?" 對我爸媽而言那,就已經不新鮮了

[03:26.-1]I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I've got Lamaze class. 菲比,抱歉,我得走了 我得去參加心理助產班

[03:30.12]And I've got earth science, but I'll catch you in gym? 我得去參加地球科學班 健身房見了

[03:36.39]-ls this just gonna be you and Carol? -Susan will be there too. -就你和卡蘿兩人去? -不,蘇珊也要去

[03:40.80]We've got dads,we've got lesbians. The whole parenting team. 那有爸爸,女同志…全部的父母都會到

[03:45.77]-lsn't that gonna be weird? -lt might have been at first... -這樣不是會很奇怪? -不會的,一開始或許會

[03:49.84]... but now I'm comfortable with it. 現在我已坦然面對

[03:52.84]-Ross,that's my jacket. -I know. -羅斯,那是我的外套 -我知道

[04:03.19]Hi. We're the Rostens. I'm J. C. and he's Michael. 我們姓羅,我是潔西他叫麥可

[04:08.76]And we're having a boy and a girl. 我們有一個男孩和一個女孩

[04:12.73]Good for you. All right,next? 厲害,下一位

[04:17.24]I'm Ross Geller. And that's my boy in there. 我叫羅斯,我兒子在那兒

[04:23.17]And this is Carol Willick. And this is Susan Bunch. 她叫卡羅,這位是蘇珊

[04:29.21]Susan is Carol's.... 蘇珊是卡羅的…

[04:37.46]Who's next? 下一位是誰?

[04:40.76]Sorry,Susan is...? 抱歉,蘇珊是…

[04:42.39]-Carol's friend. -Life partner. -蘇珊是卡蘿的朋友 -生活拍檔

[04:44.73]Like buddies. 就像夥伴

[04:47.23]-Like lovers. -You know how close women can get. -好像戀人 -你知道女人能有多親近的

[04:52.10]-We live together. -I was married to her. -我們倆住在一起 -我倆曾經結過婚

[04:54.87]-Carol,not me. -It's a bit complicated. -卡蘿,不是我 -有點複雜了

[04:57.78]-But we're fine. -Absolutely! -但是我們不錯 -絕對的!

[05:01.15]So,twins! That's like two births. 雙胞胎,好像要生兩次

[05:07.65]Ouch! 噢!

[05:14.73]to you too,Helen. 彼此,海倫

[05:17.70]-Nina Bookbinder is here to see you. -Okay,send her in. -妮娜.布克賓德來找你 -好的,讓她進來

[05:28.47]-Come on in. -You wanted to see me? -妮娜,快進來 -你想見我?

[05:31.71]I was reviewing your data. You've been postdating your Friday numbers. 我剛看過你的資料 你一直填遲你週五數字的日期

[05:36.41]-Which is bad,because...? -lt throws my WENUS out of whack. -這樣很不好,因為… -這樣使我的WEENUS出現問題

[05:41.89]-Excuse me? -WENUS. -對不起? -WEENUS…

[05:44.82]Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics. “Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics” 每週估計淨值使用統計

[05:47.89]Gotcha! 對

[05:49.36]Won't happen again. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt your WENUS. 不會再發生了 我不會做任何事傷害你的…維納斯(WEENUS)

[05:59.64]I'll take "ldiots in the Workplace" for 200,Alex. 要我就在“工廠裡的白痴”上押200,亞里克斯

[06:03.88]It's not just that she's cute,okay? It's just that... 這不是她漂不漂亮的問題,這是…

[06:08.15]...she's really,really cute. 她真的很漂亮

[06:10.92]It doesn't matter. You don't dip your pen in the company ink. 都一樣,兔子不吃窩邊草

[06:16.-4]God,I even know that and I'm pretty much unemployable. 上帝,我知道我幾乎不應該被僱用

[06:21.53]Ross,your little creature's got the remote again. 羅斯你的小動物又在玩遙控器

[06:26.50]Marcel,give Rossy the remote. 馬修,把遙控器給羅斯

[06:30.54]Marcel! 馬修!

[06:32.84]Marcel,you give Rossy the remote right now! 馬修,現在馬上把遙控器給羅斯

[06:39.81]You give Rossy the remote 把遙控器給羅斯

[06:42.45]-Great. -Relax. I'll fix it. -這下好了 -放心.我會修好的

[06:47.29]Oh,cool! Urkel in Spanish is Urkel. 酷在西班牙文中叫“烏酷”

[06:54.39]How did he do this? 他是怎麼辦到的?

[06:57.46]Is leaving Christmas lights up your plan to keep us merry all year long? 你讓聖誕燈開是想讓我們“快樂”一整年?

[07:02.63]No,someone was supposed to take them down but obviously someone forgot. 不,某人在新年期間就應該把它拿下 她顯然是忘了

[07:08.34]Someone was supposed to write, "Rach,take down the lights"... 某人應該寫個字條“瑞秋,拿下聖誕燈”

[07:12.58]...and put it on the refrigera 然後貼在冰…

[07:17.22]-How long has that been there? -A really long time. -在這兒多久了? -時間可不短了

[07:22.89]-Where you been? -Riff's. -你上哪兒去了? -瑞佛餐廳

[07:25.29]I think Ursula likes me. I ordered coffee. 我想烏蘇拉喜歡我 我只點咖啡

[07:28.23]She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries. 她卻端給我鮪魚和四盤的薯片

[07:33.93]Score. 有門了

[07:36.73]She is so hot! 她好帶勁兒

[07:39.44]Before you do anything Joey-like, you might want to run it by.... 你展開“喬依”行動之前, 或許你可以找…

[07:47.58]-Pheebs? -Yeah. -菲比? -當然

[07:49.88]Is it okay if I asked out your sister? 菲比,我約你姐出去你會介意嗎?

[07:52.65]Why? Why would you want to do that? Why? 為什麼?你為何要那樣做?為什麼?

[07:57.02]So if we went out on a date, she'd be there. 因為如果我去約會時,她就會在我身邊

[08:05.40]Well,I'm not my sister's, you know,whatever. 好吧,不管怎樣,我不是她

[08:09.60]And I mean,it's true, we were one egg once. 沒錯,我們確實曾待在同一顆卵子

[08:13.67]But you know, we've grown apart so.... 但我們各自發育

[08:18.61]I don't know. Why not? 我不知道…有何不可?

[08:20.71]Cool. Thanks. 酷.謝啦

[08:25.62]-You okay? -Yeah,I'm fine. -你還好吧? -還好

[08:29.29]Do you wanna watch Laverne y Shirley? 你還要繼續看?

[08:47.37]Sorry. 抱歉

[08:49.47]Hi. Sorry I'm late. Where's Carol? 抱歉,我遲到了.卡蘿在哪兒?

[08:52.71]Stuck at school. Some parent-teacher thing. 學校有事,老師和家長間的事

[08:56.08]You can go. I'll get the information. 你可以走了,我留下來上課

[08:59.55]No,I think I should stay. We should both know what's going on. 不…我應該留下來 我們兩個都該留下來上課

[09:04.49]Oh,good. This will be fun. 很好,一定會很有意思的

[09:07.46]We're gonna start with some basic third-stage breathing exercises. 首先是第三階段基本呼吸練習

[09:12.26]Moms,get on your back. 各位媽媽請躺下

[09:14.20]And coaches,you should be supporting Mommy's head. 教練們支撐媽媽們的頭

[09:24.94]-What? -What? -什麼? -什麼?

[09:26.31]-I'm supposed to be the mommy? -I'll play my sperm card once more. -我該當媽? -好吧,我再打一次精子牌

[09:33.32]I have to miss the coaching training because I'm a woman? 只因我是個女人 我就得錯過教練訓練

[09:37.62]-So,what do we do? -I'll flip you for it. -瞭解,你說該怎麼辦? -擲銅板

[09:41.-3]Flip me for it? No,no. Heads! 擲銅板?不…我選頭…

[09:44.26]On your back,Mom! 躺下吧,媽

[09:50.30]All right,mommies,take a nice deep,cleansing breath. 各位媽媽們,請深呼吸

[09:57.88]Good. 很好

[09:59.08]Now imagine your vagina is opening like a flower. 很好,現在請想像你的陰道 像花一樣綻放著

[10:14.93]-Mr. D! How's it going,sir? -It's been better. -迪先生,如何? -好多了

[10:18.93]The Annual Net Usage Statistics are in. 年度淨值已經算出來了

[10:21.83]-And? -It's pretty ugly. -然後呢? -奇慘無此

[10:24.64]We haven't seen an ANUS this bad since the '70s. 70年代之後沒見過這麼慘的ANUS

[10:29.27]-What does this mean? -We'll be laying off people. -這代表什麼? -每個部門都得裁員

[10:33.34]I know I was late last week. But I slept funny and 我知道雖然我上星期遲到, 我那天睡姿不良把頭髮睡塌?

[10:37.32]Not you. Relax. 不是你,放鬆

[10:42.49]Ever have to fire anyone? 曾經必須開除某人嗎?

[10:44.49]No,but that's not a problem. That's why my name's on the door. 沒有,不過那不成問題. 這就是我的名字在門上的原因啊

[10:49.33]Do you know when I'm getting my name on the door? 你知道我什麼時候,能在門上有自己的名字嗎?

[10:53.03]I don't know. I put it in the thing. 我不清楚.我會記下來的

[10:56.20]It's okay. So,who is it gonna be? 不說這些.那將會是誰呢?

[11:00.10]Nina! 妮娜!

[11:03.24]Nina. 妮娜

[11:06.24]Nina. 妮娜

[11:11.55]Are you okay? 你沒事吧?

[11:14.25]Yes. Yes,I am. 是的,我沒事

[11:17.69]Listen,the reason that I called you in here today was.... 聽著,我今天叫你進來…是因為

[11:22.29]Please don't hate me. 請別恨我

[11:24.83]What? 怎麼了?

[11:27.83]Would you like to have dinner sometime? 能約你共進晚餐嗎?

[11:35.14]So,what do you want for your birthday? 菲比,你想要什麼生日禮物?

[11:38.14]What I want is for my mom to be alive and enjoy it with me. 我想要我媽復活和我共享人生

[11:46.05]Okay. Let me put it this way. Anything from Crabtree & Evelyn? 好吧.這樣吧.想不想要“艾芙琳”的產品?

[11:51.36]-Bath salts would be nice! -Okay! Good. -我想要浴鹽! -好的!

[12:03.50]What is this place? 這是什麼地方?

[12:05.27]You're cold,I have to pee and there's coffee. How bad could it be? 你很冷,我想尿尿, 窗戶上有個咖啡杯 還有比這更糟的嗎?

[12:10.37]I think we have an answer. 我想我們有答案了

[12:13.88]Why is she here? 她怎麼會在這兒?

[12:15.51]This could be God's way of telling us to eat at home. 也許這就是老天爺叫我們回家吃飯的方法

[12:19.45]-Think Riff's fired her? -No,we were there last night. -她被瑞佛餐廳開除? -不,昨晚我們還在那兒吃飯,她不斷端來劍魚

[12:23.45]Are you gonna go to the...? 你不是要去…?

[12:26.46]-I'll wait till we order. It's her. -lt looks like her. -不,點完之後再去 -是她吧?看起來像她

[12:31.50]-Excuse me? -Yeah. -抱歉? -是

[12:34.13]Hi,it's us! 是我們

[12:39.64]Right. And it's me! 好呀,是我

[12:44.-2]-So you're here too? -As much as you are. -你也在這兒? -和你們一樣

[12:48.35]Your turn. 該你了

[12:50.72]-We know what we want. -That's good. -我們知道我們要什麼 -很好

[12:54.15]-Two caffe lattes. -And some biscotti. 我們要兩杯拿鐵還有小餅乾

[12:57.29]Good choice. 不錯的選擇

[13:02.83]-It's definitely her. -Yeah. -絕對是她 -絕對是她

