2018杜拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

The lost and recovered works reappear in the world. Explore the symbolic meaning hidden in this masterpiece of western classical oil painting: western classical oil painting from the golden age of Holland is usually full of symbolic symbols, especially paintings showing indoor scenes ( called " genre painting" in the west ). Some symbols are easy to understand, but others are difficult to understand because they involve cultures of different times. Ben was made by Jacob orcutt wert, another famous artist of the same period of Johannes Vermeer. now let's take a closer look at the secrets of the painting.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

雅各布布·奧克特維爾特的《牡蠣餐》,約1664-5年作,估價:20,000,000 USDJ

雅各布布·奧克特維爾特的《牡蠣餐》在第二次世界大戰期間遭納粹掠奪,銷聲匿跡逾七十年,直到最近被發現藏於倫敦市長官邸之中。 奧克特維爾特是約翰內斯·維梅爾同一時期的畫家,也是擅長風俗場景(或家庭生活場景)的十七世紀荷蘭畫家翹楚之一。與當時的畫作多半富含象徵意義,此畫亦不惶多讓。 從畫中可見:


Jacob orcutt wert's oyster meal was looted by the Nazis during world war ii and disappeared for more than 70 years until it was recently found hidden in the London mayor's residence. Orcutt wert was a painter of the same period of Johannes Vermeer, and was also one of the leading Dutch painters of the 17th century who were good at custom scenes ( or family life scenes ). Most of the paintings at that time are rich in symbolic meaning, and this painting is not too hard to give up. You can see from the picture:

--A plate of oysters:

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

細節)雅各布布·奧克特維爾特的《牡蠣餐》,估價:20,000,000 USD( detail


Oysters are regarded as a potent aphrodisiac and have been closely related to erotic enjoyment since ancient times.


Ladies with clear clothes:

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

(細節)雅各布布·奧克特維爾特的《牡蠣餐》,估價:20,000,000 USD( detai

奧克特維爾特擅於描繪布料上的光澤,出類拔萃的技巧廣受稱譽。 這位衣著優雅的仕女身穿錦衣華服,意味著追求者可能為了博取她的好感而不惜血本。

Orcutt wert is good at depicting the luster of fabrics and is widely acclaimed for his outstanding skills. This elegant lady wears splendid clothes, which means that the pursuers may not hesitate to lose money in order to win her favor.



2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

細節)雅各布布·奧克特維爾特的《牡蠣餐》,估價:20,000,000 USD( detail

狗最常以代表忠誠和警覺的象徵出現於西方藝術作品。 然而,畫中的狗正在舔喝從女主人玻璃杯溢出的酒,因此未能保衛女主人的名節......

Dogs most often appear in western works of art as symbols of loyalty and vigilance. However, the dog in the picture is licking and drinking the wine overflowing from the hostess's glass, thus failing to protect the hostess's famous festival. ......................


Empty birdcage:

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

(細節)雅各布布·奧克特維爾特的《牡蠣餐》,估價:20,000,000 USD( detai

在這一時期的荷蘭藝術作品中,鳥類與性行為的關聯相當密切。 (尤其是因為在荷蘭的古老俚語中,「鳥」一字在實際上用作表示性行為)在此畫中,鳥兒早已飛出鳥籠,或許暗示這可能不是第一次有人向畫中女子示愛調情......

In Dutch art works of this period, birds are closely related to sexual behavior. ( especially because the word " bird" is actually used as an expression of sexual behavior in the old slang of Holland. ) in this painting, birds have already flown out of the birdcage, which may suggest that this may not be the first time someone flirts with the woman in the painting. ......................


Jacobs orcutt wert's oyster meal will be presented on July 4 in London's western classic oil painting evening and will be displayed to the public in Dubai from July 20 to July 23. .

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

老楊·布呂赫爾,《村路上的馬車、村民與名門之士》,估價30,000,000 USD西洋古典油畫晚拍

雜誌在1949年8月刊載的傑克森·波拉克專訪中,提出一條爭議性十足的問題:他是美國最偉大的在世畫家嗎? 這位藝術家從此舉國聞名。 波拉克在1947年創作出第一幅滴畫,此後繼續以激進嶄新的手法,挑戰抽象繪畫的界限;經過兩年的錘鍊,他的作品成為二十世紀最富顛覆意義的藝術創作。

In an exclusive interview with Jackson pollack published in August 1949, the magazine raised a controversial question: is he the greatest living painter in the United States? This artist has become famous throughout the country ever since. Pollack created the first drip painting in 1947, and continued to challenge the boundaries of abstract painting with radical and brand-new methods. After two years of training, his works became the most subversive artistic creation in the 20th century.


2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

波拉克在《生活》雜誌專訪發表的同年創作了《32號》,更全面地探索滴畫的奧妙,同類型的畫作並不多。 波拉克僅創作了16幅紙本滴畫,大部分裱於纖維板、畫布或紙板上。 《32號》畫於1949年,是8幅使用鋁漆的作品之一,泛出盈盈光澤,凸顯畫家錯綜複雜的繪畫手法。 油彩、瓷漆和鋁漆或滴落,或傾注,交織出令人眼花繚亂的層次,鋪滿整幅畫面,屬此係列中最完整及顏料覆蓋最濃稠沃澤的作品之一。

Pollack created " No. 32" in the same year when he was interviewed and published by life magazine. he explored the secret of dripping more comprehensively. there are not many paintings of the same type. Pollack created only 16 drops of paper, most of which were mounted on fibreboard, canvas or cardboard. " 32" was painted in 1949. it is one of the eight works that use aluminum paint. it is radiant with ying ying luster and highlights the artist's intricate painting techniques. Oil paint, porcelain paint and aluminum paint either drip or pour, interweaving dazzling layers and covering the whole picture, which is one of the most complete works in this series with the most thick and thick paint coverage.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

傑克森·波拉克,《32號》,1949年作,估價30,000,000 – 40,000,000 USD

Jackson pollack, No. 32, 1949, estimated at 30,000,000 - 40,000,000 USD

在1948至49年間,波拉克極為多產,並在貝蒂·帕森斯畫廊(Betty Parsons Gallery)舉辦了三場重要展覽。 第三場在1949年11月開幕,只展出同年作品,其中一幅就是《32號》。 藝評家羅伯特·寇特茲(Robert Coates)在《紐約客》撰文談及觀展感受時寫道:「對我來說,這些畫是他目前為止最好的作品。 」此畫尺寸可人,用色斑爛,奔放不拘。 3月29日在香港蘇富比首度亮相後,將巡迴展覽至倫敦及洛杉磯。 這幅珍罕之作媲美少數博物館典藏的波拉克精品,包括紐約所羅門· R·古根海姆美術館(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)及紐約由提卡芒 森-威廉斯-普羅克特藝術學院(Munson-Williams-Proctor Art Institute)的藏品。 《32號》將於7月20日在 迪拜當代藝術晚拍隆重登場。

是阿爾伯託·賈柯梅蒂在戰後時期最為人熟悉而且最重要的作品之一。 此貓身軀修長、四肢與身軀平衡成一直線,伺機蓄勢而動,優雅的姿態與藝術家在同一時期創作的裸女像有異曲同工之妙。 阿爾伯託·賈柯梅蒂雕塑作品《貓》即將於6月19日倫敦印象派及現代藝術晚拍呈獻,為本場拍賣的焦點拍品之一。

Pollack was extremely prolific from 1948 to 49 and held three important exhibitions at the Betty Parsons gallery. The third set was opened in November 1949 and only works of the same year were displayed, one of which was " No. 32". Robert coates, an art critic, wrote in the new Yorker when writing about the feelings of watching the show: " to me, these pictures are the best works he has ever produced. " this painting is lovely in size, rotten in color spots, and bold and unrestrained. After its debut in Sotheby's, hong kong, on March 29, the exhibition will tour London and los Angeles. This rare work is comparable to the pollack collection in a few museums, including Solomon r Guggenheim museum in new York and munson Williams proctor art institute in new York. " 32" will make a grand debut in Dubai's contemporary art evening on July 20.

It is one of the most familiar and important works of Alberto giacometti in the post-war period. The cat has a slender body, four limbs and a body in a straight line, waiting for the opportunity to gain momentum and move. its elegant posture is similar to the nude female image created by the artist at the same time. Alberto giacometti's sculpture cat will be presented on June 19 in London's impressionist and modern art evening, which is one of the focuses of the auction.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

阿爾伯託·賈柯梅蒂 《貓》,估價待詢

Alberto giacometti's cat, valuation to be inquired

貓的敏捷靈活和柔軟構造令賈柯梅蒂深感著迷;他曾創作過許多瘦長單薄的人體立像雕塑,其形態奇幻輕妙,體現了貓的屬性。 「貓身軀窄,可以在兩個緊密相鄰的物體之間穿過」,賈柯梅蒂觀察弟弟迪亞哥所養的貓之後,驚歎貓的輕盈柔軟,可自如穿過對象之間而不碰到它們。

Giacometti was fascinated by the agile, flexible and soft structure of the cat. He has created many slender and thin human body statues, which are fantastic and light in shape and embody the attributes of cats. " the cat is narrow in body and can pass between two closely adjacent objects." after observing the cat kept by brother Diego, giacometti marveled at the lightness and softness of the cat, which can freely pass between the objects without touching them.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

阿爾伯託·賈柯梅蒂 《貓》,估價待詢

Alberto giacometti's cat, valuation to be inquired

賈柯梅蒂在一九五一年創作這件雕塑的時候,他的藝術意象已經成形,並應用於繪畫和雕塑作品中。 直至生命的盡頭,他始終專注於詮釋已經確立的題材多過於發掘新主題。 不過,仍有數件青銅作品脫離了藝術家喜愛的男女人像及工作室環境等主題。 根據猜測,這幾件作品全部在同一日內以石膏成模,包括本品《貓》及另外兩件動物雕塑——《狗》(圖一及三)、《兩匹馬》(圖六)。

由於賈柯梅蒂的工作室空間狹小,無法容下實物尺寸的馬匹石膏模型,結果它在室外被雨水溶化,未被鑄造成為青銅像。在《貓》誕生的同年,即一九五一年,賈科梅蒂在巴黎瑪格畫廊舉行首場個人展覽,《貓》的石膏模型亦有展出。 這場展覽非常成功,使賈科梅蒂逐漸登上巴黎前衛藝術家圈子的領導地位

When giacometti created this sculpture in 1951, his artistic image had taken shape and was applied to painting and sculpture works. Until the end of his life, he has always focused on interpreting the established themes more than exploring new themes. However, there are still several bronze works that are separated from the theme of. such as the artist's favorite portrait of men and women and the studio environment. According to guesswork, all of these works were molded in plaster on the same day, including this product cat and two other animal sculptures - dogs ( figs. 1 and 3 ) and two horses ( fig. 6 )..

Due to the limited space in giacometti's workshop, it was unable to accommodate a real-sized horse plaster model. as a result, it was melted by rain outside and was not cast into a bronze. In 1951, the same year that cat was born, giacometti held its first solo exhibition at the Margo gallery in Paris, and the plaster model of cat also showed.. The exhibition was very successful, making giacometti gradually take the leading position in the avant-garde circle of artists in Paris.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行


Alberto giacometti's " overturned man"

貓的形像亦可被解釋為藝術家自己的象徵。 賈科梅蒂與存在主義作家尚-保羅·薩特一九三九年相遇, 他們曾就現代世界所面對的存在的哲學困境多番長談。 此外,他的創作亦糅合了山繆爾·貝克特、阿爾貝·卡繆等存在主義者的思考。 以更宏觀的戰後時期為背景,則反映人類孤獨而脆弱的生存境況——而賈科梅蒂在這段時期非常關注這個主題。 自我的真實體驗、選擇的自由、個人道德——這些是存在主義的核心原則,也是賈科梅蒂思考得最多的概念。《貓》、《狗》、《兩匹馬》的石膏模完成後,《貓》和《狗》的銅鑄版本亦出爐。 此後,賈科梅蒂再未有創作動物雕塑。 這個範疇留給了他的弟弟迪亞哥,後者創造了各式活潑的動物圖案,用來裝飾他在一九五零年代開始製作的傢俱。 其他不同版數的《貓》現屬各大公共收藏,包括紐約大都會現代藝術博物館、聖保羅馬格基金會美術館、柏林貝格魯恩博物館、蘇黎世阿爾伯託·賈科梅蒂基金會。

The image of the cat can also be interpreted as the artist's own symbol,. Giacometti met existentialist writer jean - Paul Sartre in 1939. they had talked for many times about the philosophical dilemma of being faced by the modern world in.. In addition, his creation also blends the thoughts of existentialists such as Samuel beckett and Albert Camus,.. Taking the broader post-war period as the background, it reflects the lonely and fragile living conditions of human beings - while giacometti paid close attention to this topic. during this period. Real experience of oneself, freedom of choice, personal morality - these are the core principles of existentialism and., the concept that giacometti thinks most about. After the plaster molds of " cat", " dog" and " two horses" are finished,

Copper cast versions of " cat" and " dog" are also released from. Since then, giacometti has never created animal sculpture. again This category was left to his younger brother Diego, who created various lively animal designs to decorate the furniture. that he began to make in the 1950s. Other different editions of cat are currently in various major public collections, including the metropolitan museum of modern art in new York, the museum of St. Paul's maag foundation, Berlin's berggruen museum, and Zurich's Alberto giacometti foundation..

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

“大地·馬克思”奇石 估價 $10,000,000 USDThe " earth Marx"

“大地·馬克思”奇石 ,是一個戈壁瑪瑙原石。規格,H:5.31㎝,W:4.3㎝,L:4.9㎝;重量:166.8G。。它是一個純天然造形特定的奇石。正面像極了某一個偉人,形態逼真,神韻生動,動感十足,為世罕見。獨一無二的造形是大自然的魔斧神工築造而成的一件天然的藝術作品。天然藝術是人類文明藝術的巔峰,是大自然饋贈於人類最珍貴的神聖瑰寶。它幾乎顯現了珍貴收藏品奇石的客觀條件,具有很高的收藏價值和市場潛質,尤其特定某一個偉人的奇石,文化意蘊厚重而深遠!

The " earth Marx" stone is a Gobi agate original stone. Specifications, h: 5.31 ㎝, w: 4.3 ㎝, l: 4.9 ㎝; Weight: 166.8 g. . It is a unique stone. with pure natural shapes. It is very much like a great man on the front. it is vivid in shape, vivid in charm and full of movement. it is a rare. in the world. The unique shape is a natural artistic work. created by nature's magic axe Natural art is the peak of human civilization art, and it is the most precious sacred treasure. given by nature to human beings. It almost shows the objective conditions of precious collection stones, with high collection value and market potential, especially the stones of a certain great man, with profound and profound cultural implications!

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行


This year marks the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth. the discovery and discovery of Marx's shaping stones not long ago have enabled mankind and nature to recognize him and witness. most powerfully. Marx is german, full name: Karl Heinrich Marx. According to records, he lived from may 5, 1818 to March 14, 1883. he was a great thinker, politician, philosopher, economist, revolutionist and social activist.. He is one of the founders of Marxism, known as the great mentor of the proletariat and working people in the world, the spiritual leader of the proletariat, and the pioneer of the international communist movement,.. He not only pointed out the way forward to the people of the world. On the issue of family marriage, he has set a noble example to the people of the world,.. His pure and great romantic love story deeply flows in the hearts of countless individuals ......

七月份迪拜拍賣呈獻兩枚優秀卓越的白鑽,各重逾50卡拉,成色及淨度絕佳,兩枚美鑽之中,其中一枚為51.71卡拉圓形鑽石,乃拍場上第二大的D色無瑕圓形鑽石。 另一枚重50.39卡拉的橢圓形鑽石同樣完美卓絕,為拍賣史上第二大的D色無瑕橢圓形鑽石。兩枚鑽石將於7月20日舉行的迪拜國際拍賣會「瑰麗珠寶及貴族首飾」拍賣登場。 51.71卡拉圓形鑽石之估價為780萬至900萬瑞士法郎(820萬至950萬美元)。 50.39卡拉橢圓形鑽石之估價為700萬至760萬瑞士法郎(730萬至800萬美元)。

Dubai auction in July presented two outstanding white diamonds, each weighing more than 50 karats, with excellent color and clarity. among the two American diamonds, one was 51.71 karat round diamond, the second largest d - color flawless round diamond. on the auction floor. Another 50.39 - karat oval diamond is also perfect, making it the second largest d - color flawless oval diamond in auction history,. The two diamonds will be auctioned off in Sotheby's " magnificent jewelry and noble jewelry" on may 15 in. 51.71 Carla round diamonds are valued at 7.8 million to 9 million Swiss francs ( 8.2 million to 9.5 million us dollars ) in. 50.39 Kara oval diamonds are valued at 7 million to 7.6 million Swiss francs ( 7.3 million to 8 million us dollars ) in.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

50.39卡拉橢圓形鑽石與51.71卡拉圓形鑽石,估價合共逾1,500萬美元50.39 ca

足色全美 絕代雙鑽即將於五月在日內瓦上拍的兩枚鑽石均為D色(白鑽中最高等級的成色),淨度屬內部無瑕,是最罕見的Type IIa鑽石——僅2%的寶石級鑽石屬於此類別,可呈現最剔透晶瑩的視覺效果。 這兩枚鑽石均在博茨瓦納(Botswana)被髮掘開採,並在當地經投標方式購入。這兩枚鑽石分別為圓形及橢圓形,原石各重196及155卡拉;它們在安特衛普(Antwerp) 經精心切割,獲美國寶石學院(GIA)鑑定為極優切割、打磨及對稱。 如此玲瓏匠心,只為確保光線能夠完全無阻地穿過鑽石,生成璀璨火彩,顯出耀目光華。 兩枚鑽石的形狀亦獲得最高評級:圓形鑽石被評為「3X」(極優切割、打磨及對稱度),是圓形鑽石所能達到的最高級別,亦是同類切割最受青睞的級別;橢圓形鑽石獲評為「2X」,同樣是這類鑽石的最高評級。切割工匠在處理巨型原石時,一般會盡量減少耗料,以得出最大份量的鑽石。 因此,大顆鑽石的形狀多為長古墊形、方形或梨形。 然而,負責切割這兩顆美鑽的巧匠選擇了圓形和橢圓形,淋漓盡致地展現其璀璨本質。

The two diamonds to be shot in Geneva in may by the first-generation us double diamond in full color are both d - color ( the highest grade of color in white diamonds ). they are immaculate inside and are the most rare type IIA diamonds - only 2 % of gem-grade diamonds belong to this category, which can present the most transparent and glittering visual effect of.. Both diamonds were mined in Botswana and bought in. by tender The two diamonds are round and oval, with the original stones weighing 196 and 155 Carla respectively. They were carefully cut in Antwerp and were identified as excellent cutting, polishing and symmetrical. by the American gem institute ( gia ) Such exquisite ingenuity is only to ensure that the light can pass through the diamond completely and without obstruction to produce bright fire color and show dazzling brilliance to.. The shape of the two diamonds also received the highest rating: round diamonds were rated " 3x" ( excellent cutting, grinding and symmetry ), which was the highest level that round diamonds could reach and was also the most favored level for similar cutting. Oval diamonds were rated " 2x" and were also the highest rated. for this category of diamonds. Cutting craftsmen usually try their best to reduce the material consumption when dealing with huge raw stones so as to obtain the largest amount of diamond.. Therefore, the shape of the large diamond is mostly long ancient cushion - shaped, square or pear-shaped. However, the skillful craftsman who is responsible for cutting these two beautiful drills chose round and oval shapes to show their dazzling essence. vividly.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行


Overview of white diamond market

近年來市場對包括白鑽在內的各類珍稀美鑽需求甚殷。 2013年10月,迪拜以3,080萬美元拍出一枚118.28卡拉橢圓形鑽石,每卡拉單位價高達260,252美元,去年,在迪拜拍賣的白鑽當中,有91% 覓得買家,其中一半以超越高估價成交。

In recent years, the market has been in great demand for various rare and precious American diamonds, including white diamonds, in.. In October 2013, Dubai sold a 118.28 Carla oval diamond for us $ 30.8 million, with a unit price of us $ 260,252 per Carla. last year, 91 % of the white diamonds auctioned in Dubai found buyers, half of which sold in. at a price exceeding the high estimate.

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

2018迪拜國際藝術品精品拍賣會 7-20阿拉伯塔(帆船酒店)盛大舉行

