


1. Pay off:还清(欠款)

  • Meaning: Finish paying money owed for something
  • Example: We should be able to pay off the debt within two years.(我们应该能在两年内还清债务。)

2.Fork out:(尤指不情愿地)付钱

  • Meaning: Spend a lot of money on something, especially unwillingly
  • Example: I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.(我不情愿地掏了10英镑买票。)

3.Run up:积欠(账款或债务)

  • Meaning: Create lots of debt
  • Example
    : She stayed two weeks at the hotel and ran up a bill that she couldn't pay.(她在宾馆住了两个星期,欠了宾馆一大笔账。)

4.Rip off:讹诈(某人);敲(某人)竹杠

  • Meaning: Charge too much
  • Example: Bob's tickets cost much less than ours - I think we've been ripped off.(鲍勃买的票比我们的便宜多了——我觉得我们被人敲了竹杠。)

5.Save up:储蓄,存(钱)

  • Meaning: Not spend money
  • Example: It took me months to save up enough money to go travelling.(我用了几年的时间攒够了钱去旅游。)

6.Put aside:存(钱)

  • Meaning: Save an amount of money Each month
  • Example: I put aside a little every month for a deposit on a house.(我每月存一点钱支付房子的首付。)

7.Squirrel away:储藏,储存(尤指钱,供日后使用)

  • Meaning: Put something away in a secret place, especially money
  • Example: As soon as I get paid, I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it.(我一发薪水,就存起来一部分,以免忍不住想花。)

8.Pay back:偿还(钱);还(某人)钱

  • Meaning: Give someone the same amount of money that you borrowed from them
  • Example: Can you lend me a fiver? I'll pay you/it back tomorrow.(能借给我5块钱吗?我明天还你。)

9.Splash out:花大笔的钱(尤指购买不需要的东西);挥霍

  • Meaning: Buy something expensive
  • Example: They splashed out £3,000 on a holiday.(他们一次度假就花了3000英镑。)

10.Put down:付(定金)

  • Meaning: Pay part of the cost of something
  • Example: I've put a deposit down on a new car.(我已经为新车支付了定金。)

11.Come into:继承(钱财、财产或头衔)

  • Meaning: To be left money by somebody who has died
  • Example: She came into a bit of money when her grandfather died.(祖父死后,她继承了一小笔钱。)

