广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

Hi guys!

This week I want to introduce to some and remind others, that at the start of the school year we will be kicking off our growing program “Speak Up GZ“,that is now in two major cities, Dong Guan and Guang Zhou.

老铁们,新学期好,我们的”Speak Up China”英语角活动在开学季正式回归了。目前本活动主要覆盖广州和东莞两座城市。

广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

Speak Up GZ originally started as, Speak Up China in the late months of 2016 and has morphed into its current name because its rapid growth and popularity among the students. This program by name is only an English corner, but has given students an environment where they can grow exponentially in their English listening, speaking, and thinking abilities.

“Speak Up GZ”最初的形式是2016年发起的”Speak Up China”活动。因为该活动在学生群体中太受欢迎,为了发展的需求,遂改名为“Speak Up GZ”。这个活动名义上是一个英语角活动,但给了学生们一个极好的环境,在这里,他们可以显著提升自己的英语听说和逻辑思维的能力。

广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

The program is designed to enable each and every student in the classes to interact with native English speaking teachers. Replicating the teacher's enunciation and pronunciation, their speech patterns, along with their speaking flow and rhythm. Our desire is that every student that attends our English corner gets achance to speak up and speak more when learning English. Every class will have a minimum of 2-3 teachers and will allow groups of students a chance to communicate with the teachers.


广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

The programs are geared not just to learn English, but to apply English to your life. The classes have topics that are interesting to the students on campus because they talk about realities within the student life. Some classes talk about improving your English and making the words you speak more clear and understandable.We also have topics like how to prepare for future interviews and other classes talking about dating, and how to find that special someone or if you already found them, how to build a healthy balance between school and adating relationship.

广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名


If you are interested and would like to join Speak Up GZ, please scan the QR code so we can make preparations for the coming up classes. Thank you!



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广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名
广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名
广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名广州大学城“Speak Up GZ”英语角活动免费开放报名

美化排版 | 小泳

封面图片 | 小鱼

审核校对 | 张津

