每周英语积累|I'M NOT A VAMPIRE 我可不是吸血鬼

每周英语积累|I'M NOT A VAMPIRE 我可不是吸血鬼

Good news! The lesser long-nosed bats(小长鼻蝠)were once rare1animals, but now their numbers are growing.

In the past,many lesser long-nosed bats died because of illness and hunting.

In 1988, fewer than 1000 of them lived in the United States and Mexico(墨西哥) .

But now, there are more than 200000.

To protect(保护)the bats, the US creates2 National Bat Week(国际蝙蝠周).

每周英语积累|I'M NOT A VAMPIRE 我可不是吸血鬼

How can bats fly around and find food in the dark?

They can "see" with sound.

  1. They make high-pitched(高音调)sounds.

  2. Those sounds bounce off(反弹)of the plants and animals and make echoes4.

  3. They follow(跟随)the echoes to find their food.

每周英语积累|I'M NOT A VAMPIRE 我可不是吸血鬼


Of more than 1000 types(种类)of bats,only 3 suck blood(吸血).

Others eat insects3and fruit.

They are helpful to us.

The lesser long-nosed bats like to eat agave nectar(龙舌兰花蜜).

When a bat is eating, some of the pollen(花粉)sticks(粘)to its body.

It carries the pollen to other agave flowers.

In this way, the avage can produce more seeds(结籽).

每周英语积累|I'M NOT A VAMPIRE 我可不是吸血鬼

Can you see?

The bat works like a bee!


rare [reə(r)] 稀有的

create [kriˈeɪt] 设立

insect [ˈɪnsekt] 昆虫

echo [ˈekəʊ] 回声

每周英语积累|I'M NOT A VAMPIRE 我可不是吸血鬼

文章摘录自21世纪学生英文报 小学

