04.19 英語晨讀行動|RADIO AND TELEVISION 電臺和電視

--- lesson12 RADIO AND TELEVISION 電臺和電視

--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

Could you change the channel?^你能換個頻道嗎?

If we don’t hurry, I’ll miss my favorite channel.^如果我們不趕緊的話,我就要錯過我喜歡的頻道節目了。

His aunt used to be a star on TV.^他姑姑以前是電視明星。

The radio in my car doesn’t work very well.^我車上的收音機有點問題。

I just ordered cable service for my TV.^我剛裝了有線電視。

What’s on TV tonight?^今晚有什麼電視節目?

Don’t talk during the show please.^放節目時請不要講話。

They play this song all the time on the radio now.^現在收音機裡成天都在放這首歌曲。

There’s nothing good on TV tonight.^今晚沒什麼好看的電視節目。

Stop watching TV and go do something outside.^別看電視了,到外面去做點事情。

Could you turn down the car radio?^你可以把車裡的收音機音量關小點嗎?

Some are quite informative on many different subjects and others are just funny. ^有的可以提供關於不同主題的信息,有的純粹是搞笑。

I don’t even like it when radio stations break for commercials.^我甚至不喜歡電臺插播廣告。

Sitting in front of the television all day is really unhealthy.^整天坐著看電視對你的健康不利。

You’re getting no exercise and watching the screen for so long is ruining your eyesight.^你不運動而且看這麼久的電視,這樣會毀了你的眼睛。